4| Broken Finger

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Lana's POV

I'm going to high school.

Why am I going to high school? I've been homeschooled my whole life, so why am I going to high school now?

Back when me and the twins were in Target getting all the necessary supplies for school, I asked them why I was going to high school now. They had told me, in these words, "your dad wanted you to interact with more people and have some fun for once. He may have sent you on a mission, but he wanted you to switch up your life for once and experience more social interactions since you're some place new."

I understood what my father meant, but it still feels weird thinking about me going to a public high school.

Isabelle never informed me that I was going to high school, so it came as a huge surprise. Did she not know I was going? I'm sure that if she knew I was going to high school, she would have told me. She knows how I feel about being in big crowds.

It's now been five days since I found out that I'm going to high school, and I still can't get over it.

Maybe I should call Isabelle. I'm sure she's wondering what I've been doing since I got here. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

Pulling out my phone, I search through my contacts and find 'дьявол.' It means devil 'cause, clearly, you guys could see that she is. She uses a fucking rolling pin as her weapon. How the fuck do you make a rolling pin look so goddamn scary?! She's insane. And she would definitely hit me with her rolling pin right now if she ever heard me say that. I swear, she has ears everywhere.

Pressing the call button, I wait for her to pick up. She always likes to pick up on the last ring.

On the last ring, she picks up and immediately starts yelling at me. "Why didn't you call me sooner?! I was starting to get worried!" I can just see her scowling and shaking her head.

"Hey, Isabelle. I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Don't give me that attitude, young lady."

Oops. "Sorry, Isabelle. I was just trying to adjust to New York. Did you know that I'm supposed to go to high school?"

She gasps loudly. "What?!" I wince. Her screams are deadly to the ears.

So, she didnt know. By the reaction she just had, she definitely didn't know. Vince is in big trouble.

Oh! That reminds me, I should try to call Vince after this. "Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't know. Vince never told you, did he?"

My dad finally came back from his trip yesterday, so I just know she's going to give him a scolding.

Vince and Isabelle aren't married, for your information. She's supposed to be a personal maid, but she has always acted like a mother figure to me. I'm pretty sure Vince has a crush on her, though. I would never tell her that myself. I think I would just prefer for her to find that out herself. I'm not even sure if Isabelle likes him back, though, so I can tell why he hasn't told her, yet.

Sending prayers to him right now. Let's hope he survives her wrath once the call ends.

Anyway... "How has dad been by the way? I heard he came back from work yesterday."

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