"I love it," I smiled, "Thank you so much, Adaline." 

I stood up from my makeup chair, and I walked over to where Amber was getting changed in a white robe. 

"Your makeup looks so good." Amber praised me while getting a top fitted. 

"Thank Adaline," I spoke, pointing at the red-head artist, packing up her kit.  

The room was semi-full of models, blonde girls, brunette girls, redheads, and scary-looking men with defined cheekbones, who looked scary but had really big hearts. 

I took a seat in line to get ready to get dressed, looked to my right, and observed a rack of clothes. I tilted my head at a single silver shimmery, backless slip dress. 

"That's stunning," I said out loud to myself, unknowingly. 

"Very." Spoke a voice from behind me.

I turned around and glanced at the girl who responded.

"Oh, I'm uh, so sorry." The blonde girl said, with a thick Spanish accent. 

My stomach dropped a little, and flipped my chair around, "No, no, don't apologize." I smiled. 

She tucked her thick curly hair behind her ears, "My name is eh, Camila." She grinned, holding out her hand. 

I glanced at her hand and her fingernails, which were painted in a dark red. 

"I'm Bea, and I love your nails." 

"Ah, thank you." She said again, flaunting them at me. 

An Asian woman walked through, wearing a black leather dress and a green leather jacket. She was our manager to help with outfits and organization. 

"Cruz, Bea." She announced, flipping her sunglasses on. 

"Right here," I said, raising my hand, and standing up to follow her. 

She walked elegantly over to the clothes rack and dragged them to the changing room.  


"Not your color," She said, holding a pink blouse before throwing it on a stool. 

"Too...stocky." She threw a gold long-sleeved top onto the pile of clothes. 

She strolled over to a wardrobe and started to glance around for options, while I stood awkwardly, still taking glances at the slip dress.  

"Too purple." She tossed a purple pair of pants on the ground and spun around to take a look at me. 

I clicked my tongue in my mouth in nervousness, while she stared at me. 

"May I make a small suggestion?" I asked, biting my lip. 

She nodded, while still looking at me. 

I felt a little judged when I walked over to the rack and pointed at the dress, "This?" 

She tilted her head, and her mouth curved into a smile. She held the dress up in front of her, while I went back to my original standing spot. 

"Yes, I think this would do nicely." She said, with a final grin. 

Andrew's POV

Jude and I were sitting in the Audience of Amber and Bea's show. The room was elegantly designed, modern, and sophisticated, creating a captivating environment. 

"I have something to tell you all tonight," Jude spoke, his accent overpowering the other voices in the crowd. 

"Come on mate, tell me now," I whined, becoming more impatient. 

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞~𝐉𝐨ã𝐨 𝐅é𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now