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"Look at this shit." I sighed, showing Andrew my phone on a tabloid about us holding hands the night before. 

"Futur joueur de tennis et mannequin, aperçu se tenant la main à Paris." Read out Andrew, with a slight eyebrow raise. (Upcoming Tennis player and Model, spotted holding hands in Paris) 

We were both sitting at our breakfast bar, eating some pasta, while I continued to look for recent articles or videos about "our love." 

"How about this?" Andrew asked, handing his phone to me. 

I tilted the phone so the screen was bigger, and I watched the video from earlier today when we were at the market and the guy filmed us. 

"Oh my god, look at these comments." 

Andrew pushed his blonde hair backward and started to scroll through what people were saying online. 

"Ils sont tellement mignon ensemble." (They are so cute together.) 

"Regarde comment il tient ses sacs !" (Look how he holds her bags!)

Andrew poked at his pasta and stuffed it in his mouth, "This is ridiculous."

"Should we say something online?" 

"No, I think that would make people more suspicious." He spoke, before grabbing our plates and putting them in the dishwasher. 

He poured me a glass of red wine and handed me a bowl of Tru Fru. He then brought them to the coffee table in the living room. 

"C'mon, let's watch Love Actually, " He said, rubbing my shoulder in reassurance, "You don't need to worry, everyone's going to forget in a couple of days." 

I jumped off my stool and pressed a button on our remote to close the curtains. I then joined Andrew on the couch. 


"This scene," I sobbed, with a pillow to my chest, "When Karen finds out that there's another woman," I spoke, referring to the scene when she doesn't get the necklace as a present. 

"I feel horrible." I cried, slumping down on the couch. 

"Me too, me too." Said Andrew, patting my head. 

The door opened, rather fast, "Hey, Hey!" Jude shouted, grinning widely, before halting and widening his eyes. 

"It's okay, she's watching Love Actually." Andrew laughed. 

Amber rushed in, and grabbed the red wine, before taking a swing. "You okay babe?" She asked me, rubbing my arm. 

"Yes, I just feel bad for her, he's an ass," I spoke, wiping my eyes dry. 

The dorm room was silent for a few seconds until Jude spoke up. 

"So you know, I don't mean to ruin the atmosphere, yeah, but have you seen the stuff online yet?" Jude asked, waving his finger at Andrew and me. 

Andrew nodded, "We were looking at it at dinner." 

"You too are très cute." Amber laughed, taking another drink from the bottle. 

"I don't know what you lot are on about but yeah, très cute," Jude said awkwardly. 

Amber laughed and kissed Jude on the cheek on her tippy toes, before joining Andrew on the couch and giving him a side hug. 


I watched in my handheld mirror as my very pigmented blush blended into my skin flawlessly. 

"Okay, Ms. Cruz, how do we feel about this color?" My makeup artist asked me before spinning my chair around to see myself in the big vanity mirror. 

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞~𝐉𝐨ã𝐨 𝐅é𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now