412 6 19

6 months later 


My black high-heeled boots were covered in snow.

"Oh no, these are new!" I whined, kicking them against the ground. 

"At least you wore boots. My flats are ruined and I can't feel my feet." Amber groaned, hopping through my previous footsteps in the snow. 

France normally didn't snow much, but this winter was dreadful. Andrew had to scoop the snow off our balcony and into our bathtub, it got so thick. 

My trenchcoat was damp, and my red scarf was wrapped around my face to shield myself from the snow. 

I looked behind me at Amber, Her puffer protected her from the cold, but her poor flats were covered in ice, and her feet were exposed. 

"Wait, stop!" I told her, trying to make her hear me over the wind. 

I crouched down, and wrapped my scarf around one of her feet, covering her left shoe and making her foot into a scarf-shoe. I removed one of my mittens and put her right shoe through it halfway, from its size, to cover her shoe enough to warm her up. 

I stood back up and wrapped my trenchcoat around me tightly. 

"Oh my god, I love you," Amber hugged me. "You didn't need to do that." 

I smiled with snow blowing in my face, "You would do it for me. Now, let's get to our lecture before we become late." 

I grabbed her hand with my bare hand and dragged her through my footsteps to get to one of our lecture halls. 

The warm air fanned our faces, making our numbness disappear. Amber unwrapped my scarf from her left shoe and slid off my mitten from her right shoe. 

I tapped my foot aggressively against the rug, to shake off the snow from my boots. 

Amber laughed at me, causing me to hit her with my bag playfully. 

After cleaning ourselves up a little bit, we rushed towards the hall for our lecture. 

We snuck into the back of the hall and found some empty seats. We were quiet since the lesson had already started. 

"Do you have a pen?" Amber asked me, searching through her bag, urgently. 

"Yeah one sec," I told her, whispering. I grabbed my bag put it on my lap, and began to rummage for some stationary. 

I handed her a pen, before taking out my notebook and getting ready to write some notes. 

"Thank you." 

Amber took out her phone and clicked on an app, "Is it illegal to record lectures?"

"No, but there are some recordings online," I whispered to her. 

I began writing a couple sentences of notes, "It's a shame Andrew's still sick."

Amber nodded, "Last day of school for this term too." 

"I cannot wait to go to The World Cup." Amber beamed. 

"Me too!" I almost yelled, causing people to look in our direction in disapproval. 

I clapped my hand over my mouth. 

Amber started to giggle to herself and hid her face in her book. 

"SHH!" This one girl hissed, looking behind us, and shaking her head. 

We turned to look at each other after she gave us a dirty glare, and laughed even more. 


I opened the door to our dorm room and kicked off my boots. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞~𝐉𝐨ã𝐨 𝐅é𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now