Chapter 16: The United States Part 1

Start from the beginning

Although the eggheads were still studying mithril, the military had already started manufacturing bullets out of it. They were in short supply, but the droids from each rescue team were given a few clips just in case they ran into another demon. The droids were also equipped with the mithril swords, again, just in case.

The first part of the plan was to rendezvous with a medevac Rhino at Freedom Outpost outside of Rontak's Reach. From there they'll head southeast and 'village hop' until they find American citizens. There was no telling what condition the civilians will be in when they find them. The medevac Rhinos will stabilize them until they can be airlifted back to Fort Roanoke.

Aerial reconnaissance had already mapped out the region, which would save a lot of time. Major Williams, in command of the overall rescue operation, already planned out the routes and stops for each rescue team.

In addition to the civilian specialists, Elmot was coming along as a local guide. There were still a lot of unknowns on this world, and an expert in magic would be useful. There was no shortage of volunteers among the refugees to join the other teams, either. Many were eager to help their American saviors.

Daniel was in the command cabin of the Rhino looking through the list of civilians still unaccounted for. Darryl Wright, Jessica Clark, Grant Robinson... Despite the overall success at Rontak's Reach, there were still 82 people missing. It was his job to bring them home.

"Yo, Danny, you know where Thungar is? I thought he was coming with us." Benny asked.

"Didn't you hear?" Daniel replied. "He's going north with Major Mathews to escort the minotaur POWs back to their people."

Liv, the last one to board the Rhino, finally arrived.

"Where have you been?" He asked her as she made her way up to the front.

"I stopped by to see the Princess and wish her luck. Can you even imagine the culture shock of seeing New York City for the first time?"

"She's in for a wild ride, that's for sure," Benny said. "Hey, I heard that guy we picked up in Miretan is getting back today. I wonder how his trip to the states went."

"He went as a potential trading partner," Daniel said. "The Princess is going as the ambassador of a foreign aggressor. I bet they'll have different perspectives."

"Ain't that the truth," Benny said.

After a quick systems check, they pulled out of the vehicle depot joined by dozens of other vehicles. The convoy headed for Rontak's Reach to begin their mission.

July 8th, 2053

Duremar Plains, Fort Roanoke

Maribelle was standing outside with Ralva. Neither of them were still in their bright orange prisoner outfits; their original clothing had been returned. The quarters they slept in last night weren't large, but they were certainly fit for royalty.

Her unceremoniously small bed was more comfortable than the one in her personal chamber at the Imperial Palace. There wasn't a fireplace, but Daniel had shown her a wondrous device that could set the precise temperature of the room. To control the temperature without a fireplace or magic was incredible.

An elongated black metal carriage pulled to the side of the road in front of the 'civilian barracks'. It was much smaller than the other metal carriages she's seen before; it didn't look like it was designed for war. Maribelle looked at the time piece the Americans had given her and it was exactly the time they were told.

"I guess this is the carriage we'll be riding in?" Ralva said with uncertainty.

A middle aged woman in a well made American suit stepped out, followed by a droid. Unlike the other droids, this one was very shiny. It had chrome plating all over its body and it had less of an intimidating appearance. Its face was clearly artificial, but more human-like than their other droids. The woman walked up and introduced himself.

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