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Fwhip hugged himself as he was blasted with frigid air. How on earth was there snow this far underground? There couldn't be weather down here, right?

The forest surrounding them was blanketed in snow, reminding Fwhip of the fun-filled days when the kids could stray away from their life in the town and enjoy the rolling hills covered in snow to their hearts content.

Fun times...

He couldn't get all sentimental now, though. Not when they could get jumped at any moment by someone.

"Fwhip...?" Gem whispered, her voice shaking. She pointed to a bush, snow clinging to its leaves. "There's a- a camera hidden there, it's watching the door to the ruins... do you think...?"

"Someone is watching us..." Fwhip finished, nodding. He didn't like this. If he didn't already have a goal in mind, if he hadn't made that promise to Xanther, he would've run back to the relative safety of the ruins. He swallowed. "Let's keep going."


The forest was creepy. The trees were way too tall and thin, and each shadow felt like a hiding place for something to jump out and attack them.

A sharp sound sent panic through his veins, and he whirled around.

Was... was that branch always broken...?

"Fwhip?" Gem called over her shoulder.

"Coming!" Fwhip ran to catch up with her. It was fine. They were fine.

More walking, just enough for Fwhip to consider lowering his guard. Then, Gem gasped, stepping closer to her brother. "Someone was there!"

Fwhip clung close to his sister, the duo locking hands. "We're being followed... stay on guard."

Gem nodded, and pulled her brother along.

Fwhip could've sworn he heard high-pitched laughter echo through the trees.

A bridge with weird wooden poles on either side stood before them. It looked like it was trying to replicate prison bars but failed horribly.

"Let's cross. Hopefully, we can find some way to get to the Barrier quick," Gem tugged at his sleeve. She wanted to get somewhere warmer quickly. Her long sleeves and overalls did her good, but it could only do so much.

"Wait..." Fwhip whispered, freezing up. "I hear something..."

"Wha-? I don't-?" Then she did. Footsteps, drawing closer.

"Should we run?" Fwhip shook his head.

"We both worn out, we can't outrun them."

"Well, what do we do then?!" Gem tried keeping her voice down, tried to mask her panic. She couldn't lose her brother again. She hadn't even reached a Save Point yet.


Gem face-palmed. Yeah, like that'll work.

"Humans," both kids froze, the low voice of their stalker rooting them in place. "Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

It wasn't like she had any other choice. Gem sucked in a breath, put on her best brave face, and turned around.

The figure had their hand out, a pearly white smile being the only thing she could make out from their shadowy form. She took their hand and-


"Ahaha!" The person laughed, letting the shadows dispell from their body. "The ol' whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny."

No Matter What - A HC + other MCYT'S Undertale fic. Where stories live. Discover now