chapter 34: Death

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Cause its May 3rd my birthday. I will post 3 chapters my gift to you all thanks for reading love you Serpents!!!


When I arrived back at Hogwarts the war had begun. It seemed The dark lord broke through the shield around the school. I looked around as I spotted Narcissa being corner by the Patil twins. I was angry at the fact Narcissa didn't even have a wand and they just pointed there at her. I mumble a spell sending them flying into the black lake. I chuckle as they stood up soaked and wet. Parvati spoke in anger.

"You traitor!!!"

"You are pointing your wand at someone who not even armed. Know who your real enemies are. And don't call me a Traitor Parvati, you know nothing." I snarled at her as I grabbed onto Narcissa hand she gave me a smile as she cried.

"I had to go find you, I have no idea where Draco is, dear you can't go running off like that. You're a mother." She pulled me into a motherly hug.

"I'm sorry. Narcissa go back to safety I'll look for Draco."

"N-No, you are my child just as Draco. you hear me Hermione." I chuckle.

"I know Narcissa, thank you but please think of Draco he would have my head if he knew what you were up too. Please get to safety." She gave a sigh.

"Fine, but if you can't fine Draco in an hour you come back understand." I gave her a faint smile.

"I promise." She step back and apparent away. I turned back at the twins as they look at me in shock. I narrowed my eyes at them and spoke.

"Learn your real enemies." I said as I turn away running tours the castle. It was horrible.  I looked around as I cast a protective shield around me making any spell bounce. As I ran looking for two people in Particular, I lashes out casting the killing curse at Fenrir Greyback who was biting into Lavender Brown neck. The spell I cast froze his body then shattered. I ran over for Lavender to see her still breathing, thank Merlin Ron would have had a breakdown if she died. I bent down placing my hand on her chest forcing my healing magic in her. Her wounds started to close up. She snapped her eyes open gasping for air. When she saw me hovering over her, she sat up fast pressing her back against the wall.

"Y-you, if your g-going to kill me just do it." I rolled my eye helping her on her feet.

"We have to get you somewhere safe. Come on the Great Hall is being protected as a home base." I threw her right arm over my shoulder casting my protective shield to her. When we got to the Great Hall some Professor and the order were shocked to see me pulling an injury Lavender beside me. I set her down by others who were wounded and ran out ignoring the looks they gave me. I needed to find them. Please be alive. I ran and ran. I stopped as I saw red hair run the corner of one of the halls I watch as she threw spells running from two Deatheater I knew well. The Carrow twins. Amycus yelled as his sitter laughed.

"Snapes get her!!!" I mumbled a spell which shoot through both their chest. They went down with a loud thump coughing up blood I just walled as the life in their eyes died. Ginny cried in tears as she ran roe throwing her arms around me. I laughed hugging her.

"Sorry for being late to the party had a bit of a side mission."

"Bloody hell you have any idea what the family thinks!? They all bloody hell think you gone mad."

"Well, they aren't wrong." I smirk.

"Ronald angry, real angry. Mum disappointed at you, the twins are trying to pretend but they just keep laughing at the whole situation." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, leave it to my husband to be clowns at a time like this." Ginny giggle.

"Percy, Bill and even Charlie believes you had your reason to do what you did. They said if you were really one of them you would have killed Harry on the spot and all of us too. Percy said its strange that you didn't cast a protective shield on you. Of course I stood silent."

"And Harry?"

"I don't know he too believes you had to have a reason. I'm worried I haven't seen him for hours."

"Sigh, I'm sorry." She gave a smile.

"Don't be, come on I know you're looking for the twins. I know where Fred is. George not too sure." I smiled as we ran down the hall. As we ran, I cast spells killing spells at every Deatheater who would shoot at Ginny or a nearby student. When we ran into the side of the castle, I saw Fred and Percy fighting. I watch as a Deatheater yelled the Avada Kedavra curse pointing it at Fred, I panic as I ran in front of it the spell, it bounce off my Shield hitting the Deatheater in the chest. I gasped coughing up blood as I dropped to my knees. I turned around to see the spell also somehow hit Fred. I cried as he fell to the ground. He just looked at me with a smile and mumble a bit.

"Cough-cough, damn it Love why do you always have to jump in danger." I fell beside him grabbing onto his hand. He gave a tight squeeze. I knew it was dangerous, but I did it anyways pushing my magic in him.

"D-Don't do that. Y-you'll die love."

"I-I can't lose you." I cried.

"I'm sorry love, I broke our promise. I-I cough-cough L-Love you." He forced out.

"A-Always and forever."

"A-Always a-and F-Forever." His eyes closed I cried as I saw his wounds heal but he didn't open his eyes.

"F-Fred!!!" I yelled in pain as I felt my wounds close painfully may I add. My damn Merlin blood lets me heal but using it on Three people so far does make it slow. I closed my eyes as I heard both Percy and Ginny cry.



I cried as I saw Hermione get shot with the Avada Kedavra killing curse. She jumped right in front of it to save Fred. I watch her go down. She killed the Deatheater but the spell also hit Fred. I cried against Percy as I watch both Hermione and my bother die. They died. Oh no what will I tell Goerge!? What will I tell Narcissa or Malfoy? Omg Her kids. I cried.

"I-I have to go find Goerge." I spoke.


"B-But Hermione and Fred?"

"I-I'll Stay with them. I promise g-go, Goerge needs to know." I gave a nod as I pulled from my older brother's chest and ran not knowing where I was going.

To be continued......

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