chapter 1: The Beginning

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"You need to be more careful. I cannot keep covering you."

"I never ask you too. This is my mission. The dark lord trusted me with this." I walked back tripping over some books.

"Ouch." I rubbed my ass.

"Well, well, well. Ms. Granger spying on others will get you killed." I looked up to see Severus snape pointing his wand at my neck. And Malfoy beside him with his wand to his side. I gave a slight smirk, feeling my teeth poke my bottom lip.

"Are you planning on killing me, Professor? Not really smart now, is it?" He gave a glare. I slightly turn my head to Malfoy.

"Mr. Malfoy, you may go. I will deal with her."

"W-what are you going to do?"

"Mr. Malfoy, you may go." I watched Malfoy walk away, giving me a worry looked.

"Yes Professor." Once Malfoy was gone, I felt Snapes wand press into my neck further.

"I can help." He pressed harder into my neck.

"Ms. Granger in what way can you help?"

"I'm no foul. I know what goes on. And I can help, Voldemort and the Order would never expect me to be a double agent."

"I could just erase your memory and you would never know what happen here."

"You can, however it will bounce back." I smacked the wand away and stood up. He walked closer to me pushing me against the bookshelf bring his wand back to my neck.

"I forgot about what you are. However, that still doesn't explain how you will be of help."

"Take it or not, but I say trust me, what do you have to lose?"

"You do realize what your saying? "

"Yes, if it means we have a chance then yes." He lower his wand placing both his hands on either side of my body. I looked up at him raising my brow.

"Your willing to throw your life for this?"

"Yes, it's not like I have anything else to lose. If we succeed no harm done-" He cut me off and place one of his hands around my neck.

"If we lose the dark side will win and all your friends may die and you will be consider a traitor in their eyes, they will hate you. Are you willing to pay that price? Are you truly willing to become a Deatheater? You may lose everything. Everyone."

"Is that supposed to scare me? I know the price and I am will to take it."

"There is no way of talking you out of this?"

"Why would you?" His hand left my neck and he turn around.

"Let's go." I push from the shelf grabbing my bag and followed him out the library,

"Where are we going?"

"Everyone is at dinner, if we want this to happen now the time to do it."

"Do what?" He grab my wrist pulling me out the back of the castle, we walked pass Hagrid hut and into the dark forest. He turn to me giving me a look, it was fear.

"You're afraid he will kill me. You shouldn't. If he does it's fine. Like I said I have nothing to lose." His grip tighten on my wrist.

"Sigh." I gave a smirk before speaking again.

"Live a little." He gave one more look my way before pulling me out of the wards of Hogwarts ground then he Apparition us away.



When we landed I had to catch he in my arms to steady her. she wrap an arm around my waist.

"I hate Apparition, it always makes my stomach turn."

"If we both leave here alive, I'll brew a potion for that."

"Hmm." She stood up fully and looked around.

"Where are we?" Before I spoke a harsh viscous one did. Lucius Malfoy.

"Severus. You dare bring that thi-" I pulled Granger along beside me ignoring Lucius as I walk towards the garden knowing Voldemort will be there. He was.

"Ssseverus, I didn't call for you. And I never expect you bring Harry Potter's Muddblood friend. Interesting."

"Do people really think I'm a muggle born? Cause I don't exactly ever saying I was." Granger. For once keep your mouth shut. Granger pulled from my grip looking over her shoulder. She sent a glare at Lucius who was pointing his wand. Granger glare turned into a smirk she tilted her head sideways and Lucius went flying back hitting his back against a piler. I watch her turn back to Voldemort with a bored look. Voldemort eyes went wide a bit.

"You know wandless magic? Not a lot of wizard or witches know of that. It's a powerful gift." I watch Lucius struggle to get up. What smell did she used?

"My mother taught me. You see I'm a half-blood. Mother was a pureblood witch and father is a muggle." This got my attention. I gave a look. She felt my stares and turn my way speaking.

"Dumbledor and Cornelius Fudge kept it hidden. Do you want to know why?"

"Ssspeak child." Granger face harden as she spoke turning her head back at Voldemort.

"Before my return to my 3rd year I went back home for the summer. Now most kids love running home after being in school for so long. I was happy. I was seeing my parents; I was looking forward to what my mother will teach me. But instead of coming home to loving parents I came home to a bloody horror scene. My mother was dead, and my father claim it was my mother who took her own life. At first, I believed him because he was my father, however that night he tried to kill me too. I grew angry and used what my mother taught me. Taping into other minds. What I saw anger me. My father sliced my mother throat while she slept. He was angry, he called me a freak, a devil spawn. He said my mother was a liar. I admit I may have snapped. I didn't kill him. I wish I did though, before it got to that point Cornelius Fudge and some Auror's came and stop me. After that I was assign under Dumbledor. Apparently, he was given custody of me, telling them that I only lash out in anger and that he will assure it won't happen again. I Have no clue where my father is, however, I do know that he has no memories of me, my mother, his family or even who he is. All I know is he somewhere in an asylum losing his mind."

"Sssrange Severus this child is very similar to you However why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious, I came to join."

"And what makes you think I won't just kill you right now?"

"I'm sure you would however I can be quite useful."

"Pppray tell."

"Everyone thinks I'm a muddblood, I'm part of the order, I'm Bestfriend to Harry Potter and I just happens that I Have the blood of Merlin running threw my vein's. The perfect spy and no one would ever expect it."

To Be continued...............................

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