chapter 4: Sneaky Granger

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"We need to get rid of it Harry. It's causing so much pain. Look what you did to Malfoy."

"I know, and you're right Hermione. I have to get rid of this."

"I have an idea." We all turn to Ginny.

"Fine, I'll go check on Malfoy."

"Moine why would you-" I cut Ron off.

"Don't start, Ronald." He shut his mouth as I stood from my seat. And walked out the Gryffindor common room. As I was walking, I felt a burn on my arm. I ignored it and continued to walk. It only got worse as I walked to the hospital wing. As I entered, I saw Severus and Headmaster Dumbledore over Malfoy bed. I quickly hid behind a close curtain. I looked on the bed to see just a first year sleeping. I listen to them speaking.

"Now, now Severus the boy is fine. He's alive."

"Albus yes the boy is fine however what do you plan to do with Potter? His actions almost cause Malfoy his life."

"Nothing. For now."


"Things are going to change around here soon. Potter needs to focus on the task."

"Sigh, always letting Potter get away with things."

"Severus the boy is alive that's all that matters." I heard footsteps. I gave out a breath I held as I wasn't caught. I gave out a surprise yelp as the curtains open. Severus looked down at me with a smirk.

"Sneaky wife."

"I was just coming to check o-" I grabbed onto my arm again as pain shot through me. Severus saw this and lift me up placing me on an empty bed and closed the curtains around me.

"Severus?" I watched him pull his cloak off and sat beside me.

"It will pass. Your body trying to tolerate the pain. I'll brew some pain potions for you."

"I-I have to get to class."

"Don't worry about that."

"Severus, I have to or-"

"Hermione." I felt his hand on my head. I smiled to his touch.

"Severus. I have to or everything will be in stake. I-I can't fail."

"I know."

"I have to go." I sat up slowly.

"I hate this." He gave a chuckle.

"Remember this was the path you chosen."

"Not, that. I hate this." I pointed to his dark collar shirt. It was button up all the way up to his neck. I unbutton his collar shirt reveling his white shirt.

"There now you look better, more handsome."

"Hermione." I stood up from the bed and smile.

"Oh, hush up. I'm heading to class now."



The rest of the day went in a blur. Boring really. It was only fun when Granger walked in Angry, Potter and Weasley enter right behind her.

"Moine I'm serious."

"So am I Ronald, and I swear one more world and I'll hex you!!!"

"You're being so unre-" I Watch her pull out her wand angerly.

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