chapter 32: Betrayal

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A bloody Dragon, she was spotted on a bloody dragon. This girl going to be the death of me. Sigh. What am I going to do with her. I'm just glad Voldemort wasn't angry. He was rather Amused. And when getting a letter from Hermione explaining that they were heading to Hogwarts he seemed happy. He said it was close to the end. Sigh. I hope she doesn't get killed. I sat down in my seat in the Headmaster office just waiting. I looked up from the desk as I heard the door slammed opened. The carrots twin enter Amycus and Alecto.

"What do you two want?"

"Potter been spotted in Hogsmeade." I stood up and spoke.

"Go gather the Slytherin to the Great Hall." They both nodded walking out. I looked over to one of the paintings telling them to call for the other heads to the main Great Hall. After all the students were gather, I started speaking.

 "If anyone in here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening I invite them to step forward. Now." I looked into the crowd no one moved. No one spoke. Then I heard the sound of footsteps and loud gasp as Harry Potter walled to the center of the Great Hall.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster. How dare you stand where [Dumbledore] stood! Tell them how it happened that night. How you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him." I pointed my wand at him ready to shoot a defense spell. Minerva Mcgonagall pushes him out the way and start shooting spells. I dodge every one of them. One of the spells bounced off my Shield hitting the Carrow twins. I looked around till my eyes landed on Hermione I gave her a nod. And she gave a sad nod but did as she was told.

"That's enough, unless anyone here wants to see Harry blood spill." Everyone gasped as Hermione pointed her wand at Harry back. Minerva spoke in shock turn her way.

"M-Ms. Granger." Hermione gave a Sickening smile. If I didn't know she was acting, I'd be terrified.

"Is Snapes actually, isn't that right dear?" I gave out a smirk as eyes landed back to me.

"Yes Dear, you know what to do." She gave a nod ready to cast a spell but was soon stop as one of the twins shot a spell at her. She gave out a painful cry. I quickly threw a spell at the group sending them all flying and pulled her to my chest as she still cried in pain. What spell did that kid uses? I gave them one last look before appending out the Great Hall with Hermione painfully screaming in my arm. When we landed, we appeared outside Hogwarts Ground surrounded by Deatheater and Dark Lord. One of the Deatheater spoke.

"Severus captured the Muddblood!!" He snarled. I ignored him lifting Hermione up. The Dark Lord walked over placing his hand over Hermione Chest. Moment later she stop screaming and he spoke.

"The plan failed." He said in a statement.

"I apologize my Lord; we did everything as you said however we didn't expect someone close to her to attack her."

"I did expect it. Now all the puzzles are in place. Both Snapes go join the Malfoy's." I gave a firm nod walking over to Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy and setting Hermione on the ground she stood up and blinked a few times trying to hold back tears. I bent to her ear and spoke in a soft whisper.

"Breathe, it's almost over."


Hermione (moment before)

When we walked through a secret passage to Hogwarts, I was worried. I knew what plan was about to take place, but it didn't mean I liked it. Hopefully Harry understands in the end. Hopefully he wins.

"Hey guys I brought you something."

" Neville it better not be more Soup, don't know how much we can hold down." Neville moved out the doorway revealing Us. Everyone started cheering as they saw Harry. I climbed down the ladder and looked around as Harry spoke. My eyes landed on two figures who were talking in hush tone.

"Hello darlings." They both snapped their heads at me and smiled pulling me into their chest. I laughed feeling them both kiss me.

"Guys it's time. What we talked about. It's time." Both their faces went dark and they pulled me away from the crowd and into what looked like a bathroom. Fred cast a spell and George exploded.

"I don't like this plan; I don't like it at all. What if you get bloody killed!?"

"George, I'll be okay. I promise."

"Damn it." He mumble under his breath as he pushes me again a wall.

"Fred, you have to be the one to cast the spell. They'll be more shocked if you do it." I said looking over George shoulder. Fred gave a grim look but nodded his head.

"Fine, bit before things go Mia, I'm going to bloody screw you so damn hard that you wish you didn't come up with this stupid plan!!" Goerge said as he Ripped my sweater open. I gasped at him as both him and Fred shared a devious smile. Oh, bloody hell this can't be good.


Fred (After the Great Hall)

After Hermione disappeared, I grip onto George hand. He gave a squeeze tell me to relax. Ginny looked at me sad. And Harry spoke.

"T-That had to be hard Fred, I'm sorry you had to do that." I send him a glare and George spoke.

"You better bloody win Potter." Harry was startled at George angry outburst. Ronald spoke.

"Bloody fucking hell, please tell me that didn't happen!? Please tell me Moine didn't just try to kill you then left with that snake!?" Harry face grew Slightly sick looking as he open his mouth.

"H-Hermoine wouldn't have just done something like that. No something must be wrong."

"Harry, she just try to kill you, why are defending her. She with them!?"

"No!!! I don't believe it; I don't bloody believe it. Something must have happened!?"

"She betrayed us Harry. Hermione Betrayed us, you saw it for yourself!!!"

"And I'm telling you Ron something must have happen. I just know it. Hermione wouldn't do something without a reason!!!" Oh, how right you are Harry. How right you are.

To be continued.......

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