"Thanks dada I love you."

"I love you too."

The Next Day

"Boss I thought you were off today?"

"Yeah I am.. I just wanted to get the paperwork done for the Mayor." I say and everyone just looks at me with a sad face.

"Right.. We'll were about to go check out the Rabbit Hole.. They reported a fight." Kirk says.

"Okay and be careful.. Kirk take off when you get back."

"You got it boss." They leave and moments later  Becky and her boyfriend walks in..

"(Laughing) You have a very dirty."

"(Clears Throat) Becky darling.. We have a guest." The boyfriend says.

"Fr.. Freen?"

"Here's your paperwork Madam Mayor." I say handing it to her without eye contact.

"Ugh.. Thank You."

"No problem. "I then walk to my office.

"Freen can I speak to you in private."

"No Becky.. But it is about my children then yes, but if not then we have nothing to discuss Madam Mayor." I say looking at her and she's fucking beautiful.. And something about her has changed.. I know that look.. FUCK!!!

"Congratulations." I say to her.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"On the pregnancy.. Congratulations." I say and her eyes widen and her boyfriend looks at her.

"I'm not.. I'm not pregnant"

"Becky why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"Saint I'm not pregnant."

"Yes you are and I'm sorry.. I honestly thought you knew.. I'm sorry."

"Freen I'm not pregnant.. Saint we should go."

"I know that glow you get when you're pregnant Becky.. And you Madam Mayor are pregnant.. Congratulations to the both of you. "I say before I shut my office door.. Fuck!! I'm suppose to give he babies not this Saint man.. "(Crying) Fuck!" I knock all of the papers off my desk..

Knock Knock

"(Clears Throat) Yeah."

"Freen it's me can I come in?"

"No Becky.. Go with your boyfriend." I say and she walks in.

"Freen." She walks in and see me crying. "Freen can we talk about this? I told Saint I would meet him at home."

"Home.. So he moved on already.. You sure moved on fast."

"Freen I'm sorry that you're hurting.. I truly am but you hurt me first."

"I didn't do shit!! And tried to explain myself but you didn't want to listen."

"I saw you."

"I don't give a damn what you saw, you should have trusted me because I would have let you explain."

"Freen I'm sorry."

"No you're not, now go home to your boyfriend. I'm sure he'll be waiting to celebrate your pregnancy."

"I'm not pregnant."

"Becky I know when you're pregnant.. I know that beautiful glow you get when you pregnant.. Go take a test and I I'm wrong then I'm sorry.. It just hurt to see you with someone else and to know that you're carrying his baby makes my heart stop.. I feeling like I'm fucking dying Becky. (Crying) Now get out of my office please.

"I'm sorry." She says and she walks away.

"Yeah me too. "I say before she shuts the door.

Becky's POV

"Hello Madam Mayor." The doctor says.

"Hello dear how are you?"

"I'm fine thank you. What can I do for you today?"

"I need to speak with Kate."

"Okay you can go ahead and go to her office.. I'll let her know that you are here."

"Thank you."

"Yes ma'am. "I walk to her office and her door is already open.

"Becky how lovely it is to see you."

"Kate hello.. I'm sorry to just show up unexpectedly but do you mind running a few test on me.. I might be pregnant."

"Sure have a seat and I'll do a little blood work." She walk over to her cabinet and gets everything she needs and she takes my blood. "Okay I'll get these down to the lab and I'll be right back."

"Okay dear.. Thank you."

"No problem."

20 Minutes Later

"Okay Becky you are pregnant and it looks like you are about 14 and a half weeks. " Shit!!! This is Freen's baby.

"Oh.. Okay. "I say a little shocked.

"I'm sorry you don't seem happy."

"Oh no.. I mean yes.. Yes I'm happy it's just a little surprising that's all."

"I understand.. Here is your paperwork.. I'll see you in a few weeks for your check up."

"Thank you Kate."

"You're welcome.. Have a good afternoon Becky."

"Thank you and you do the same dear." I say and walk out the building and go to my car. "What the fuck!" I yell when my door is closed.

I'm back guys !!!!!!

Becky is pregnant with Freen's baby ,what do you think will happen next ? 🤔 Btw I wanted to use Nop as Becky's boyfriend but then I thought I used it most of the time so I put Saint name instead.Do you  like this story so far comment below:)

-Your innocent author P.D

Dearest , you said [Freenbecky]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें