Chapter 6

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Freen's POV

It's been almost 2 months and Becky still doesn't believe me and she has a new love interest in her life. Like how the fuck can you move on so fast after all the years we were together???? But fuck it, I've been trying and trying and my own children told me I didn't try hard enough.. That shit really hurt. But what can I do? I've apologize over and over again.. I call her phone and she doesn't answer and when it's time to do inspection and gather all the paperwork, she sends someone else to do it.. Like what the fuck man.. But I'm done stressing out about this shit and I'm signing those fucking papers.

"Hey boss you want to grab a drink with the team?" Kirk asks.

"Hell sure why not. "I say.

"You can ride with me because I'm not drinking tonight. I have to be back in 8 hours."

"Thanks  I'll meet you outside."

"Sure thing boss." He says before he closes my office door and gather my things.

Hours Later

"I mean you come here every Friday night.. You must be looking for something." The young woman says to me.

"Just a drink that's all."

"Nothing else?"

"No ma'am.. Can I have my tab please?"

"Oh no baby.. It's on me tonight."

"No thank you.. Here's $100 bucks.. Have a good night and keep the change.

"See you next Friday."

"Maybe." I yell back over the music. " I drive myself home because I decided not to ride with Kirk.. He has to be at work early so I wasn't going to keep him out a night because of me and I leave pretty close so I'll can handle the driving.

"Dada?" I look up and I see Brielle at my front door.

"Baby what are you doing here? It's after midnight?."

"I couldn't sleep. "

"Why not?"

"I prefer not to say."

"You can tell me I won't bite your head off like your mother would."

"No seriously I'm going to say, can I sleep in my room tonight I left my house key to your house on my bed."

"Only if you tell me what's been keeping you up at night.. Baby it's not good stressing out.. Is it because of school? I mean I can get a someone to help you study and.."

"Dada no it's not school okay?"

"Then what is it?" I ask and she looks at the ground. "Brielle?"

"Mom and her boyfriend were you know and.. Whatever nevermind.. I'm tired can I please go lay down."

"Your mother and her boyfriend were what??" I ask and she gives me the 'Dada really? look.. "Oh.. Okay.. So you mean they were.. Okay."

"Sorry that's why I didn't want to tell you but I can't sleep so I can please go to my room?"

"Of course baby.. Get you some rest."

Dearest , you said [Freenbecky]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang