bridesmaids and groomsmen

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three days before the wedding-
I was a nervous wreck, my feelings for Draco continued to grow. After everything that has happened somehow Draco and I was alittle closer. I still had to watch for Astoria cause any chance she got she would get near Draco. I didn't think one person was so delusional.

I had to send a letter to Mrs. Malfoy of how many bridesmaids and groomsmen we would have. My list was sort of completed, I had all Draco's groomsmen written down.

"Mrs. Malfoy, here is what I have so far;
Draco's Best Man-
1. Blaise Zabini
2. Vincent Crabbe
3. Gregory Goyle
4. Adrian Pucey
5. Marcus Flint
6. Theodore Nott

Tabitha's Maid of Honour-
1. Casey Orlando
1. Hermione Granger
2. Pansy Parkinson

Mrs. Malfoy, I don't have any close friends to be honest. I never tried to expand my circle. I'll try to find four more!

Sincerely, T"

I sent the letter off, mostly disappointed in myself. I need four Bridesmaids to complete everything. "Hey Pans. You think your friend Millicent would want to be a bridesmaid with you?" I ask, hoping she'd say yes. "Oh my slytherin! Of course, I'll go let her know" She says running back to the common room.
Three more to go. "Hey Luna! Hey wait up" I say walking up to her, "I know we don't talk much but we've have some pretty good talks when we do, but anyways would you like to be a bridesmaid?" I ask. "Of course I would, thank you" She says. "I'll get in touch with you when the dresses and the alterations ladies come" I say waving off, trying to find two more.

"Hey there you are" Draco says wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yes, here I am" I say alittle disappointed. "What's wrong?" He asks. "It's just you have all these groomsmen and I barely know any girls, so it's just hard to find two more" I say looking down. "You could always invite Daphne, technically she's never did anything to you, and she doesn't know you cursed" He says turning me around so I can look at him. "I don't know, I'll figure it out" I say walking away from him.
I don't know where I was walking, I knew it was a Saturday so we didn't have class. I stopped at the bridge, I continued to look at the view. I was really getting married on Tuesday, and there is so much to do. I looked at my watch and it was dinner time, I headed to the Great Hall to see Daphne and Astoria sitting near Draco. "Hey Tabitha, Astoria and Daphne agreed to be the last two bridesmaids" Draco says. "You are kidding right?" I asked him. "I'm serious, you said you needed to more" He says putting his fork down. "I simply won't allow it" I say starting to walk away, "and why not" he says grabbing my waist. "Because I already figured my last two out" I say yanking my arm away from him. "and who are they?" He asks. "um Lavender Brown and u-um Angelina Johnson" I say. I was totally in the wrong for lying to him but there was no way I wanted them to be those to be in my wedding.
I seen Lavender and Angelina sitting with Fred and George. "Hey guys" I say shyly. "Hey Tabs! Sit down with us" George offers. So I do, "Lav, Angelina would you guys want to be my bridesmaid?" I ask looking at them. "Of course!" They both said at one. "Great, thank you!" I say. We talked about Quidditch and about each other. It was nice not to talk about the wedding or Draco, or Astoria. It was just relaxing after everything.
"So Tabitha, when did you dye your hair black?" Ron asks. "Oh- um right, it actually changed by itself" I say looking at my long strands of hair. We finish eating and Dumbledore gave us some announcements, and then he brought up the wedding; that everyone was invited to this momentous occasion. Oh wow, so it's going to be a huge wedding. Great.
I waved goodbye and went back to my room immediately to see Draco's owl waiting at my window with a few letters.
Mrs. Malfoy

I decided to open Mrs. Malfoy's first,
"Darling, I believe you have friends everywhere! You just have to make the first step. I hope I receive a letter from the last few girls, because tomorrow the dresses, tailors and myself with be coming tomorrow to prep everything. You will decide your dress as well! I can't wait for you to see it. Unfortunately we will not have a rehearsal
because you do unfortunately have to go to school Monday.
I'll see you tomorrow
xoxo N.M"

I took out my parchment,
"Mrs. Malfoy, I have found my last four girls:
Lavender Brown
Angelina Johnson
Luna Lovegood
Millicent Bulstrode

I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
love T"

I closed up the envelope and put it to the side. Next letter was Astoria's but I wasn't too concerned about what she had to say.
I looked at Lucius' letter:

"My dear darling, I just wanted to say thank you again for getting rid of my dark mark. I owe you my entire life and you always saved Draco from it, just incase the Dark Lord did ever come back.
I will see you on Tuesday darling, get some rest. I have a big surprise for you

He always was so good to me. I wanted to ask him to walk me down the aisle since my father and mother can't make it.

"Dear Lucius,
I would do anything for you and your family. I do have a question for you:
Would you mind having a moment with me before the wedding?"
love T"

I slide his letter in another envelope and put it next to Mrs. Malfoy's.

Harry's or Draco's?

knock knock

"Hello? Who is it" I ask. "It's me so open up" Draco's voice boomed. "Why do you sound mad?" I ask. "I am mad, you gave Astoria and Daphne a curse for me cheating but you cheated on me" He yells at me. "Excuse me? I don't cheat, even at my angriest with you" I say calmly. "Oh yeah, look at this" He shoves the some kind of picture in my face. You could tell that girl in the picture wasn't me. "Draco that's not me, one my hair has been either blonde or black. The girl in the photo has red hair. Two she's alittle shorter than me, and three that's Daphne kissing Marcus, so please don't ever frame me of cheating" I say throwing the picture in the trash. "Who told you I cheated again?" I questioned him. "Astoria" He mumbled. Once again my blood was boiling, my body started to rise, the clothes turned black, the tattoos came out. "GET OUT! GET OUT! BEFORE I CURSE YOU" I scream. He always listen to Astoria. "IF YOU LOVE ASTORIA SO MUCH, I WILL ADD TO THE CURSE. AFTER THE WEDDING YOU WILL CHEAT ON ME WITH HER AND GET HER PREGNANT SHE WILL DIE FROM CHILD BIRTH AND YOU WONT WANT THE CHILD" I scream. I seen the fear in his eyes, my body was shaking. The demon was too strong, "Draco. Help" I softly say falling but he catches me. "These cursing are taking over my body" I faintly say before passing out.

Draco's POV-
She passed out, I seen letters from me, Harry and Astoria.
I know I shouldn't be noisy now but I can't help it.

Astoria's letter-
"I gave Draco a photo of you cheating, he'll come back to me after confronting you, just know I win."
I couldn't believe her, she's so unbearable and I can't believe I bought it.

Harry's letter-
"Just wanted to wish a bride, congratulations! I might not get along with Malfoy but we wish you the best

Oh well, that was pretty nice of him. I guess. I definitely thought he was gonna be against it.
I looked at mine and just tore it up because it wasn't a very nice letter.
I seen Tabitha got comfortable in her bed and with that I left.

Try To Love HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora