first kiss

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As soon as we both started leaning in, the Hospital Wing doors opened. Hermione and Harry hurried in, "Hey you're up" Harry says ignoring Draco's presence. "Yeah I'm feeling pretty good, sorry about last night Harry" I say with an apologetic tone. "It's alright, but we- as Hermione and I are curious of what happened" Harry asks. "Well Hermione if you must- Hermione knows already, she helped me do research on how to get rid of it, but then I moved to America and it has only happened ever since I came here" I say. I feel Draco looking at me, but doesn't say anything. "I'll show you the curse this afternoon, does 1 work in the library?" I ask them. "Yes we'll see you there!" Hermione says and they both leave.

"I don't like them, I hope you know that" He says bitterly, "and I don't like Astoria wearing my engagement ring" I retorted. I did not make eye contact as I got up from the bed, I just could not believe Draco. Am I really that bad of a person? What am I doing wrong? I leave with alone so I don't seem super clingy. I've never done this before, I've had crushes but never dated or talked to any guy. The only one I seen I can talk to is Harry.
Oh my. Harry. I spelled Harry at first, I have a crush on Harry and Draco. I mustn't like Harry, I am betrothed to Draco. I am not like that nor will I ever be. I return to my room and sit at my desk. I happen to notice some flowers on my dresser, from Harry. That was sweet of him. I look over at the clock and it said 11:00am, I have a few hours before I needed to be at the library. I sighed out of confusion with my emotions and decided a hot shower was a good idea. I turned on the instrumental version- Jars of Heart and started to sing with the beat.

"Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
'Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back"

Draco broke his promises, he slept with Astoria. He gave her my ring, and gave me some pathetic lie saying she went behind his back. He doesn't want this marriage, I tried having hope but it's not working out to well. I decided to send a letter to Casey to see how things are going.

"Dear Casey,
I miss you completely, I have reconnected with Hermione. I wanted to write because my curse has broken out a few times out here and the only one who can calm with down is Lucius.
Draco doesn't love me nor will he ever. He slept with his ex, while with me. I just have so many conflicted feelings.
I hope school is doing well and Theodore is being nice, love you and see you soon!"

I took my letter to the owerly and gave my letter to Hedwig. I started to head to the library to get the books and notes ready to Harry, and Ron. I didn't have to worry about Hermione cause she already knew. "Tabitha! Dear! It's time" Lucius says pulling me out of my thoughts. I couldn't argue, I wanted this curse gone. I hope they'll understand.
We went to Snape's classroom- just to see Draco, Snape, Dumbledore, Astoria and Daphne. "What are they doing here?" I ask. "Today we are going to try to reverse the curse" Snape says. "And if I don't want to reverse one of their curses?" I question again. "Its not up for discussion Tabitha we need to try, you always get upset, or mad when you happen to curse others, now it may seem silly but we are going to try to do the opposite of that" Dumbledore said placing Daphne in front of me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, just relax, focus of breathing. I started to feel myself start floating but it wasn't a good feeling. My eyes started turning black again, I let out a big scream. I couldn't stop screaming.
"You fools!"
"You cannot stop me"
"I'm too far into her body"
"I am the curse that never leaves"
"She has a heart of pure gold but no longer has a soul"

The voice continued while I screamed. "Wait! Wait! Wait! I want to make a deal" I said aloud to this voice. "I'm listening, go on" the voice said. "Give me the powers to remove the dark mark, and I will make sure no one ever tries to remove you from me" I say hoping the voice makes the deal. "You aren't lying, huh. Deal" The voice says. My body starts glowing and I start feeling stronger than I have ever felt before. "No darling I can't! I won't be able to help you" Lucius shouts at me. My body and everything else turned back.

"eaks allaena"
reverse the curse

"eaks allaena"
reverse the curse

"aladhi 'aetaa sayid alzalam"
that the dark lord gave

"liaghfir aljamie"
let all be forgiven

"la mazid min aleaysh fi alkhawf"
no more living in terror

"ant hurun"
you are free

"eaks allaena"
reverse the curse

"Lucius Malfoy, you and your family are now free from the Dark Lord, if he ever comes back. Your family will never come to harms way, you have my word, as long as I have hers"
The voice says. "The curses cannot be reversed so save yourself the work" The voice added then dropping my body on the floor.
"Oh Tabitha sometimes I hate you but it's really hard not to, I owe you everything. Once again you've saved my family. I'll be eternally thankful." Lucius says. "I have one request" I say. "Anything" He says looking at me. "Walk me down the aisle for the wedding?" I ask. "I'd be honored" He said bowing at me. "You must rest, we have a lot of things to do" Dumbledore sending us off.

Draco and I started walking down to our rooms, "Tabitha I've been waiting to do this all day" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me close. He started to lean in and with that he kissed me. Draco was my first kiss and it was truly amazing. I smiled into the kiss, "goodnight Draco" I said going to my room.

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