draco finding out

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"Draco, darling come down here please" my mom said downstairs.
I finished fixing my tie and headed downstairs. My mom said wear something formal, so I just stuck with an all-black suit.

I hurried downstairs to greet my mom. "Where's dad?" I ask. "He's on the balcony with our guest, are you ready to meet them?" She asks. "Yes, I am" I say, she links arms with me, and we head outside. "Mom, I know Theo, we're in the same house" I whisper. "That's not who you are meeting" she whispers back. "Mrs. Malfoy, Draco, how are you?" Theo's dad asks. "We are good, thank you. Are you ready for Draco to see her?" She asks. "Have you told him yet?" He asks back. "No" Dad says. "Alright then, let's go. Grab onto my hand everyone." He speaks. We all grab his hand and apparated, at this nice restaurant in London. As we walk in, there is this girl sitting at the table alone.
"Sweetheart it's good to see you" Theo's dad greets her. "How was it? America?" He adds. "It was lovely, pleasure to come back home" she says so gently. She was wearing a long blue dress with gloves; she sits so elegantly.

"Tell us all about it darling" my dad says. "Oh, it was amazing Lucius, it was so different from what we've learned" she says smiling big. My dad actually looked interested in Muggle studies and what they do. "I'm glad you had a wonderful time, are you going back?" He asked. "Actually, with everything going on in the future, I'm going to transfer to Hogwarts, and Theodore here is going to America!" she says smiling grabbing Theo's hand.
"Let's talk about why we are all here" Mr. Nott says. "Draco, I know you don't know what's going on but, your father and I have arranged for you and Tabitha for you to be married in two months" he adds. I didn't say nothing, I didn't know how to react. She seemed calm so I had to stay calm. "Why?" I questioned. "Well of course you both our pure-bloods and both very high-ranking wizard's families" my mother says calmly. "What's your house?" I ask my so-called future wife. "I'm not for sure, America didn't have houses just classes with everyone" she says so soothing. What if she's not Slytherin, I have a reputation to uphold there. What if she makes friends with Potter and the other two. "Why can't I marry Parkinson or either Green-grass'? " I question again. "At least I know they'll be in Slytherin." I add. "Enough Draco,
you will not speak about other girls in front of Tabitha" My dad says sternly. "I'm already in a relationship with Astoria" I say to mom hoping she'd understand. "Darling, I know but unfortunately you guys have broken up" she says. "What- how did we break up if I just found out" I say so confusingly. "We sent an owl to her" My dad says looking at Tabitha. I mean don't get me wrong she was absolutely beautiful, but I just don't think she's for me. "I don't have a say on this?" I questioned again. "No Draco, we have been planning this for a while, it will be a young marriage but an everlasting one" My dad says so proudly.

The waiter brings out our food, but I speak no more, I just sat quietly admiring her and watching how her and my father get along so well. It was different, it's like he wanted her to be a part of the Malfoy family. He never acted like that with Pansy or Astoria, he never wanted to meet any girl I ever dated.  I keep thinking on how Astoria is going to react when we go back to school? How will Tabitha make friends? Will she fit in? She is too elegant for Hogwarts, too polite. The total opposite of me. The dinner starts to end, and father tells me to walk her out. "Draco, darling before you go, here this is to make everything official." My mother says smiling, handing me a small black box. I decided to open it, before I gave it to Tabitha. It was an engagement ring, it was perfect, something she would like.

[ring is at the top]

I walked up to Tabitha, "ready to leave?" I asked. "Yes, thank you" she said politely. "I do have something for you, and I know if I didn't give to you the right way it'd be a little upsetting so, Tabitha will you do me the honor in being my wife" I say getting down on one knee while opening the box mother gave me. "Yes, Draco I will" she says accepting the ring onto her ringer. We both heard the camera's clicking and people cheering. I give her a small kiss on the cheek along a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow Draco" she says getting into the carriage with her father and Nott. What an eventful night, we apparated home. I head upstairs to see a letter has been dropped off.


I do not accept this break up. You cannot break up with me over a later and give no explanations. I want one. 

I love you.

-Astoria "

I decided not to respond since father did say the only female, I should speak to is my fiancé. I had two more days until we started our sixth year. I had a feeling the first week or so wasn't going to be great, but at-least I know I'll always have Tabitha.

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