Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

  Comforting a teenager should be easier than a toddler but it isn't. Teenagers argue, and hold shit in until they can't anymore. Asking Tae how he's feeling is like talking to a brick wall. "I'm fine" and "I'm tired" are the only responses I can get out of him.
  He reminds me of myself when I first left home. Meeting Jin and him trying to get me to talk to him. Me never actually talking to him about it. Until he started yelling at me for 'rejecting his friendship' and 'being stubborn'. He scares me enough that ill tell him whatever he wants to know at this point.

I didn't know what to do after my mom showed up. She knows where we lived, which meant we would no longer be safe there. I didn't want him to feel like he had to constantly watch his back. Somehow that turned into the guys and I moving into a house together. A big house, mainly paid for by them because I'm broke and most of their bank account have quadruple the money that mine does.

I would call it a house but it's more like a mansion. 10 bedrooms but 4 of them are in the basement. 5 bathrooms, a big living room and kitchen, and a huge pool. Basically nothing I could ever afford alone.

We came to the agreement that all of us will put portions to rent, food, or a specific utility based off of our income and or ability to pay for it. Chores will be divided equally and we came to the agreement that all parenting type decisions would be made by me and me alone. They would be involved and be there for him, but he was my responsibility and in the end it will be my decision.

I'm unpacking the kitchen, pots and pans rattling together. Changbin should not be trusted to pack anything that's delicate or loud. All of the glass cups had absolutely no wrapping around it so a few of the ones at the bottom broke. I put them up safely and carefully but still cut my hand.
  I separate each pot and pan by brand, then by which has most to least. I hate the sound of pans banging together but I got put on kitchen duty so I'm doing it. we had movers move our furniture in, but we still have to decorate and put everything else together.

I hate moving. I know it sounds so stupid but moving and living in a new environment is rough for me. I'm horrible when it comes to change. Good or bad, I hate it. I can't stand my home smelling different, or my blankets being different. I hate when a room is decorated differently than it used to be. I just hate it all.
But then I see the guys faces as they unpack and they are so happy that I don't care. Actually I do care, but I could never tell them that. Their giggling and smiling makes all the discomfort in me disappears for just a second.

Arms wrap around my waist and I can immediately tell from his cologne. I jump and he chuckles, holding me in space. My only problem, other than my uncomfortable amount of trauma, is that all of my soulmates are so much bigger than me. I'm not talking about weight wise, I'm talking about how muscular they all are. They don't look it at first but as soon as you get close to them you can feel it.

"You're always so quick to scare." Minho teases, squeezing my side. I squirm but it's not much use. He spins me around so I'm facing him. He's grinning at me like he always does. He always looks so smug. "I wouldn't be scared if you would warn me." I grumble back, pinching his side.

He winces but still holds onto me. He kisses my cheek and shrugs. "I like the look of relief on your face afterwards." He replies smugly, raising his eyebrows a bit. I blink at him but don't respond. What does he mean by that? That was an interesting sentence..

I can only imagine the look on my face is funny with how hard he starts to laugh. He kisses my cheek once more before walking away, chuckling like he said the funniest thing known to man kind.

I push the empty box out of the way and pull another box towards me. It's plates and bowls. As much as I love these men, their taste in dining wear is absolutely horrible. Most of their plates and bowls are plastic and old, while mine is glass and thrifted. I'm good at looking through cheap stuff to find the cuter ones in the pile. I have more dishes than I needed with just Tae and I. I think it was just instinctual due to the amount of soulmates I have, but regardless theirs are god awful.

They have too much money to buy the things they do. I put the bowls and plates that match together and organize them in the shelves. Then all the mismatch ones are organized by size. The cabinet's in this house are extremely long and have an ungodly amount of space. I honestly don't think we have enough stuff to fill this house.


Sitting around at a table I didn't buy, sitting in a chair I didn't buy, eating food I definitely didn't buy is rough. All of them have money that they have direct access to. They have family who can help them if they need it, and I've got nothing.

I didn't completely realize the differences in our wealth until we moved in here. I work at a cafe, they all are at internships for their career paths and are being paid for it. They get paid double what I do, and have everything planned out for themselves. I know it sounds stupid but I feel like I'm behind them. In my mind they are adults, they have a path and a plan. They are building a life for all of us.

I'm not. I think I'm just drifting, trying to see what works for me. I know I didn't grow with the same stability of them but is that an excuse? What do I want to do? I need to have a plan.

I know I want to be with the guys. They are a definite part of my plan. But career wise? I don't know. I have to know. I can't let them just take care of me and Tae forever.

Han pull my chair towards his and wraps an arm around my waist. He plants a kiss on my jaw gently and squeezes my side. "Stop thinking, baby. Just sit and have dinner with us, don't overthink it." His voice is quiet and calming. I swear all of them know me better than I know myself. Instead of responding I nod and take a deep breath.

I hope I never have to go through life without them.


Word Count: 1186

A/N: Look at me updating twice in the span of a month! Are you proud of me? I've had a lot going on but hopefully I'll get the motivation to update again/update my other stories soon. Sorry if this was short, it was kinda just a filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed (:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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