Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov
I don't know how to talk to him about this. I'm not a parent who has trained to have awkward or hard conversations. I'm a barely grown adult who is completely anti-social.

How do I say 'Hey our dead beat fathers wife called me and she wants us to have dinner and meet their children. What do you think?' In a soft way so he doesn't freak out.

Tae doesn't bring up our dad. He doesn't have many memories with him. He left when I was 11, which would leave Tae to be 4. You start properly receiving memories at the age of 4 so that's only a year of memories. I have memories of him, just not good ones.

He never hit me. He drew the line on that but that didn't stop him from yelling constantly. He sat and watched our misery for years. Then he left us with the psycho and didn't look back.

This isn't a situation I wanted to find myself in. Me and Tae are finally getting to good places in our lives and I don't want our sperm donor to come in and ruin that.

But it's not just my choice. Tae may still be young but he is old and mature enough to decide what he can and cannot handle.

I'm not sure if I can handle this though.

Tae has been sitting here staring at me for a few minutes now. I haven't said anything but that doesn't mean he doesn't know that something is going on.

I continue looking down at the ground and until I hear Tae clear his throat. "Ok what's going on? You have been acting weird all week" He asks , moving closer to me.

I look over at him  and he has an insistent look on his face. I know I have to tell him because if I don't then I'd be lying to him. 'No secrets' that was a dumb thing I promised him when he first moved in.

"So.. A woman called me last week. She told me that she had married our dad and that they had a family now, kids. Kids who want to meet us. She asked if we were willing to have dinner with them some time soon. I told her I would ask you what you want to do" I ramble, looking up at him.

He sits there for a few second. He looks a bit confused and shocked. I honestly don't know what he will want to do or react.

Tae isn't one for second chances. Neither am I.  We both are different but so similar. Our personalities mismatch but I know my brother. I know what he does when he is anxious or nervous, I know his very weird sleeping habits, I know what he prefers to have for breakfast in the morning. I can read him like an open book, most times. right now I cant and that scares me.

"Promise me you wont send me away" He whispers.


He suddenly moves closer to me and wraps his arms around me and he looks like he is going to start crying. "Promise me that you won't send me away. Promise me that if they ask for me to come live with me, and we both know they might, that you will tell them no and fight for me. If I agree you have to promise to fight for me" He cries out, his tears wetting my shirt.

I tighten my arms around him and put my chin on the top of his head. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how to act as a guardian. But what I do know is that my brother needs someone advocating for him, someone who can and will love him no matter what. I can be that for him. I will be that for him.

"This is your home. With me. IF you want us to have dinner with them then we can, but if you decide  not to then we won't, I will be there for you no matter what. You are my family. Whatever happens it will be you and me."

He nods and shoves his face into my chest.

Tae doesn't cry very often so instead of pulling away I hold him tightly and let him cry. I need to teach him that it's okay to cry and have emotions. I've done a pretty shitty job as his brother and I need to fix it. Do better. I just have to figure out how.


"One dinner. He said we could have one dinner but no weird comments like 'You've grown up so much or ever comparing us to our husband. It was to be a public dinner because he would feel uncomfortable going to a strangers home" I explain, flipping the chicken on the other side.

She is quiet for .5 seconds before I hear her make a weird noise. "Sorry I'm excited and I make- anyway okay. How do you feel about Wednesday? There is a restaurant close to my house that has very good food." She offers.

I agree because I have no plans and I doubt Tae does either. All of his plans are made that day because making plans beforehand is 'stressful' for him . Weird but its bad to judge so I won't . Not out loud at least.

"Great! Well we will see you there. It's a fancy restaurant so dress well" She says. It literally sounds like she is smiling.  Her voice is perky and as kind as she sounds I kind of hate it. I'm not sure if it is fake kindness or if it is real but as of now I will take it with a grain of salt.

She says a quick goodbye and ends the call.

I'm scared. Scared for Tae, for me. Scared how this will or will not go. I'm scared that my dad will be the opposite of what he was for us and that might anger me or Tae.  This might be the only meeting me and Tae have with our father but in doing this it might lead to more. Leads to a chance that he hurts us again.

I don't know how to protect us both in doing this. I don't want to be the reason my brother gets hurt. Is this how parents feel? Because if so it's fucking terrifying.
Word count: 1077
I'll probably be updating more and editing the story. Its important for me to work harder because I love this story I'm  just a bit unmotivated. I will try to get on a steady updating schedule.
I hope you enjoyed (:

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