Chapter 10

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Y/ns pov
When my brother comes home after 3 hours and tells me 'we are going to your soul mates place for Christmas dinner, and no you don't have a choice. I you aren't going to talk to them now I'm going to force you to do it then. They are important to you but you let our mother's words stay in your head and lie to you, forget her and her shitty comments. Do not fuck this up for yourself'.  I was a bit surprised. Okay a lot more then a bit but I'm also not surprised. Tae likes to fix others  issues instead of his own.

"You could have said Hello to me before calling me out. Damn" I grumble wrapping my blanket around me.

He gives me a look and plops down on the couch next to me. His feet find their way on my lap. His feet surprisingly don't smell bad.

He grabs a brownie from his bag and throws it over to me.

I haven't had a brownie in 3 fucking days. Felix gave me a box in the care package kind of thing he left for me but I ate all of them the same day.. I stress eat.

Tae sighs and then starts talking "I went to their apartment to talk to them about you. I promised we would be there and that you guys would talk" I blink at him a few times.

I open my mouth to speak but close it a minute later. How did he even get their address? My brother is sneaky as fuck.

I don't know what to say so I just say "okay then. We will go there" he nods and smiles at me.

He is right and I know he is right but still. I hate it when he is right because he can get really cocky, also because he is him.

Now I have to mentally prepare myself to face them AND talk to them. I'm going to kms  I swear to god. No I won't. I'll think about it but I won't. Maybe.


I don't know how I decided to come here but I'm here. In the same room with a therapist. I used to have one but he made me uncomfortable and blamed everything that happened to me on me. He definitely doesn't deserve his job. I made sure to record some of the session and the things he said, I ended up reporting him. I don't know what happened to him but he definitely should not make any patients feel like that, especially when they are there to heal. Not to become more traumatized.

The therapist is an older lady, Mrs.Cho. Her office are mixed with light colours and bright colors, the only dark-ish things in here are the books on her bookshelf.

"Hello y/n, it is a pleasure to meet you." She says reaching her hand out for me to shake it. I shake it and she smiles at me.

I don't know what to do so I smile back. "It's nice to meet you to" I mumble

So far so good. She seems like she is nice and she gives of a motherly kind of vibe. She has a very comforting aura to her. It might be because of her age.. No that sounds bad.

"You are a shy one huh? Okay then. Let's talk about what past therapists have diagnosed you with. Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and last but not least you have a panic disorder. Is this information correct?" she questions looking up from her paper.

I nod and she nods back at me. She seems to be rereading my medical file. I'm suprised how quickly the hospital sent that over to her.

She looks up from the papers and turn to open something. She open the drawer of the table and pulls out a container. When she opens it there are different things in it. Mainly fidgets and other small containers of slime and connetic sand.

"Before we start talking about why you are here I think you should pick something. You get to keep it. You seen to fidget a lot and it might help calm your anxiety a bit" she explains handing me the container. 

I hesitantly take it and Starr moving some of the things around until I get to the container of connetic sand and I take it out. I used to have some of this and I kinda loved it.

I hand her back the container and she smiles at me once again.

"You don't have to use it right now, use it whenever." she says putting the container back in the drawer and closing it. She turns her body back in my direction. "Okay now that we are done with that, can you tell me why you are here?"

I nod and adjust the way that I am sitting. "There are many reasons I should be here but I'm here because.. Well- okay. So I have 8 soulmates, which is a lot obviously. I found out we were soulmates almost 8 months ago now and I didn't tell them.. Like I completely avoided them for 7 of those months until they forced friendship upon me and they had no idea. I don't like being touched so when it made sense when I wouldn't let them touch me in any way. I went to a party with them 3 or 4 days ago and apparently I revealed to 2 of them that I'm their last soulmate and bonded with them. I don't remember any of it but knowing me it happened-. Anyway my brother promised them that he would drag me out of our apartment and that we would be there for Christmas dinner, because we can't cook and have no family, and now I will have to talk to them and explain some of why I didn't tell them. So I'm here to be okay as I can mentally. I don't want to talk to them and be not okay, I want to give them good memories and me being healthy.I also I don't have a mental breakdown or something like that."

Mrs.Cho blinks at me. I think she is trying to process what I just explained to her. I probably should have paused in between my explanation but it's easier for me to explain everything to her at once instead of doing it slowly.

Mrs.Cho clears her throat and smiles at me "I think we are going to need sessions for the next two days."


Word count: 1105
I might write and post another chapter tonight, I'm not sure though. How do you guys feel about this chapter? I want to put some chapters of y/n trying to heal and improve himself (: . Christmas is very soon and I'm very excited!
I hope you all enjoyed!

𝙰𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚊 (stray kids x male reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora