Chapter 9

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Y/ns pov
I don't know how to talk things through. I haven't mastered that just yet. At school I never talked to people, I was a complete loner. The only person I willingly talked to was Tae. I didn't want him to grow up isolated and alone. He might only be a few year younger but I grew up practically raising him. Microwave dinners, walking him to school everyday, when he got to school I would help him with reading, writing and school work.

When I left I was worried that Tae would feel alone or abandoned, I didn't want him to feel like that. Now that I see him I'm glad. He is a bit introverted but he has a good group of friends, is healthy, and is on his way to being mentally okay.

"Y/n I'm going to the cafe with a friend!" Tae yells from his room. I don't know why he didn't just walk into the livingroom and tell me that but okay.

I trust him. Sorta. I trust him in the way that he can take care of himself and be safe but not enough to not know the basic information.

"What time will you be home?" I ask standing from the couch. I walk into the hallway and to his doorway.

He looks good. Out of the 2 of us he has the better style. "I don't know, probably 3:30-ish. My friend needs help with his English homework and I'm the only one of our friends that speaks English fluently" he explains grabbing a charger from his desk.

My dad sucked but he did teach us some stuff, English for example. Him being black (A/N:I decided for y/n to be blasian. Surprise!) and from America he wanted us to be able to speak English to be able to talk to family. They wanted nothing to do with us so it wasnt really needed but I use it sometimes.

I nod and he smiles at me. He randomly hugs me. In not sure why he is hugging me, he doesn't really like physical touch. I only really like being touched by very few people.

I like Tae's hugs. He uses to do it a lot when we were younger, he followed me kinda like a lost puppy. I loved it honestly.

"I'll bring you a brownie back and I promise to be safe" he says looking up at me. I smile and nod.

He let's go of me and grabs his bag from his bed. I need to get him new blankets, they are extra ones I bought when I moved it but they don't fit his room and he says he doesn't like the texture of it.

I'll probably order him one today or tomorrow..

"I'm going to go now. I'll see you when I get back!" he says waving at me. I nod and he walks away.

He hangs out with his friends a lot and I have yet to even ask what their names are. Damn im a shitty brother


Tae Hyun (Tae) pov
My brother is an Idiot sometimes. He is one of the smartest people I know but he does dumb shit so often. I don't understand him sometimes.

He was 5 when I was born and he has taken care of me for as long as I can remember. He isnt my dad, I know that, but he is the only father-ish figure I have and I refuse to let him ruin things with his soulmates.

Sang-Hoon, my friend does need help with his English work but I don't have to be there for another almost 2 hours. I know the guys address, I technically stole it from y/ns phone but that's not the point. They are only a few floors above us thank god.

I walk into the elevator and press the button.. I hope they are home.. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do or say but I'm going to make sure they will be okay. If anyone deserves happiness and peace it's my brother.

The elevator door opens and I walk out, looking at the door numbers. 235, 236, 237. I don't know what to say. I genuinely have no clue. I'll just go with the flow. I hesitantly knock on the door.

After a minute the door opens and reveals a tired looking Felix. When he sees me he has a surprised look on his face. "Tae?"

"I need to talk to you guys. All of you. Please"

Felix nods and tells me to come in. When I step in I take my shoes off and follow him into the living room, where everyone is sitting. They are sprawled around the living room, changbin hanging off Upsidedown. Do I even want to know?

When Chan notices me he sits up straight and gives me a confused look "Tae?" he questions

I nod and stand there awkwardly. " I need to talk to you guys about y/n" I mumble shrugging.

By the time I finish talking everyone is sitting normal and all of their eyes are directly in me. Some of them looked confused and other curious.

I really should have planned what to say beforehand. I'm not great at the whole 'talking about it' thing. That is one thing me and my brother have in common.

"I kinda just wanted to try and explain why my brother isn't here and.. I don't know. I want to try to get you guys to understand him a bit and not. Y'know give up on him because his soulmates- you guys are important to him"

I don't know what I'm doing..

My brother is my favorite person and my only real family I have, I can't let him mess up something so important to him because of his own stubbornness.

Hyunjin clears his throat and shifts in his seat. "Not to be a dick but if we matter so much to him why isn't he here? You are here but he isn't"

Felix walks over with a folding chair and sits it next to me. I sit down and thank him.

This might take a bit longer then an hour to talk to them. They deserve a proper explanation by someone, even if it's not my brother.

"Me and my brother, we.. We grew up differently from most people- it's hard to explain.. We haven't had a great life, especially him. He never learned how to properly talk about things and when something wrong happens he runs. He can't help it, it's all he knows.. I know that this might sound like an excuse but it's the truth"

There is a small moment of silence. Absolute awkward silence. Changbin is the next person to talk. "What does that mean?" he asks frowning at me.

I dont know exactly what to say. I don't want to trauma dump on them, especially with the shit that my brother has been through. I can be vauge about it but what if they question it more? I'm way out of my league.

"We didn't have great parents, or any really. Our mother is a druggie and our dad sucked, he left eventually. Y/n has taken care of me since I was born and honestly I owe him. I never got the yelling or the shitty comments.. The beatings. He took everything so I could have a semi normal childhood. I got the social and decent life while he suffered. He doesn't know how to handle things like this. He genuinely just doesn't know"

"We will be here on Christmas Day. We both will be here and you all will talk, even if he doesn't want to. You All deserve happiness and honestly if he doesn't stop talking about you all I might actually kill him and then myself"

Light giggles come from Felix and Seungmin. I hope im doing more good then bad..

Word count: 1334
Idk if I like this chapter or not but it's okay! What do you guys think about a different pov for once? I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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