Chapter 13

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Y/ns pov
Does anyone ever have a bad feeling about a day? Like something bad is going to happen and you are kinda just waiting for it. That's how today is for me, I haven't had a day like this in a long time and it's making me anxious.

Things are going well right now and I don't think I can handle anything going wrong right now.

There is a knock on the door. I go and open it, it's just the guys. They look happy as usual. I let them in and they all spread out through the living room. I sit down on the couch next to Chan and Felix, who happily wraps himself around me. Touch is.. Hard but I don't pull away. Felix needs touch as reassurance and if that's what he needs I'll deal with it.

Eventually Felix let's go of me but grabs my hand "We called but you didn't answer so we just came over" Felix says looking up at me.

"Oh my phone is on do not disturb. Jin is upset I didn't call him after the party so he has been sending upset messages and weird emojis" I explain smiling at him.

Felix nods and starts to mess with my hand.

Jisung somehow got ahold of my remote and turns on a random drama that he seems to be enjoying. Hyunjin slides across the room and sits in between my legs, resting his head on my lap.

I stare down at him for a second but look back up at the show. That doesn't stop him from moving his head on my legs.

Chan leans over and whispers "he wants you to play with his hair" in my ear. I pause for a moment but nod.

I've never actually played with anyones hair.. That sound so stupid but I haven't had anyone close enough to want to. With Jin and Namjoon they are the ones messing with my hair so I've never really wanted to.

I reach down and run my fingers through his hair. Jesus fuck why is hair so soft- what hair products does he use!? I continue to mess with it while watching the show is playing on the tv.

We all sit there silent until Seungmin turns and looks at me. "Do you have any brownies?" he questions smiling at me. I absolutely love his smile. It makes me want to grab him and squish his face. Which I know sounds weird but cmon he is adorable.

I nod. "Counter in the kitchen" He nods and happily walks away.


The guys have been here for over three hours and they ate all of my brownies. All of them. Every single one.

I'm not upset because I probably wouldn't have eaten them but I do wish they left me one or two. I'm too lazy to make anymore so I'm brownie less until tomorrow.

My phone suddenly starts ringing. It makes everyone jump due to the scary movie we are watching. It's a unknown number. I normally don't answer them but it could be something involving Tae so I stand up and walk into my room.

I answer the call. "Hello?"

The line is silent for a second, all I can hear is breathing. "Hi.. Is this y/n l/n?" the woman asks.

English. So it's not involving Tae. Well it might me but the likelihood of that is low.

"Yes this is. May I ask who this is?"

"Uhm yes. Hi I'm sorry, I'm Meredith. I am married to your uhm.. Father" the lady mumbles.

What the fuck. Why the fuck is my father's wife calling me. "Why are you calling me?" I question sitting down on my bed.

"I know it's not my place to call but I thought it was important. Me and your father are moving to Korea in a week , and he told our kids and I about you and your brother. We knew about his other soul mate but not about you guys.. Our kids really want to meet you and honestly so do I.. I wanted to call and see Iif you both would want to meet us . Have dinner?"

I stay silent. Completely and utterly silent. I have siblings. My father had more children after abandoning us with the physco bitch. I'm pissed. I'm a bit more than pissed actually. I don't want them around Tae. He's only now starting to get better and what if they make it worse? He deserves to have the choice though.. If he wants to be involved with them then I shouldn't stop him. It could help.

I clear my throat and Lean on my desk. "I'll be honest I genuinely don't want to. I'd love to end this call and forget you ever called, truly I do. But my brother deserves a choice. I'll talk to him and see what he says. Don't expect a yes" I explain, running my hand through my hair. I absolutely, hate my life, 100%.

My soulmate mark starts to sting and I let out a quiet groan. Since we have been close and our bond is officially forming being away from each other for long periods of time has been difficult. The whole not talking to them for awhile messed up our bond so it's a bit more insisting, my fault but it's still annoying.

"Are you okay?" Meredith asks, worry filling her voice.

I take a deep breath. "I'm fine. I have soulmates to get back to. I'll talk to him and call you to tell you our answers. Please don't get your hopes up because I can't promise they will be the ones you want" I respond.

She hums. "Thank you, we will respect your decision"

I hum and hang up. What the actual fuck. My mark stinging is getting worse and I know for a fact that they're all feeling it, even if it's less than mine.

I open the door and walk out. Am I about to tell them what happened? Hell yes I am. What's the point in having soulmates if you can't tell them random stupid shit that happens.

"You'll never guess what just happened"

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