Chapter 12

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Y/n Pov
Finally we finish making dinner and set everything on the counter. None of us wanted to make plates for everyone else so everyone can just plate their own food, they are adults. Felix and Minho have acted like everything is normal and im kind of thankful for that . I know we will end up talking later but its calming me.

"Food is ready!" Felix yells from the doorway.

seconds later everyone is in the kitchen and looking at the food. One thing ive noticed about all of them is that they Really like food, like i think they like food more then they like each other. Do I blame them? No, its completely understandable. I like food more then I like myself.

Jisung has an arm around Tae,who looks very confused but comfortable all at the same time. They get along well from the looks of it, that's good. I wouldn't know what to do if they didn't get along.

When Tae Sees me looking at the he smiles and drags Jisung over to me. "you didn't tell me one of your soulmates are actually funny" Tae say leaning on me.

we both know that's not true. I went on and on about how fun and amazing Jisung is for over an hour, Tae had to tell me to shut up and then he walked away. "If you keep lying I might actually beat you" I grumble frowning at him. Tae laughs and Jisung smirks.

"You've talked about me?" Jisung asks looking at me.

Jesus fuck.

Tae snickers and nods at Jisung "He never stops talking about you guys, Its like a everyday thing. If he hasn't talked  about you guys it hasn't been a proper day" Yep i'm going to beat him. He is going to die when we get home, no more life for buff child.

Jisung laughs and I give Tae a dirty look. Little shitface. I wanted kids but now i'm not so sure about that, Tae has  ruined my opinion on kids. I should be embarrassed but i'm not. Its true but he didn't need to call me out like that- damn.

Next thing I know jisung isn't yelling but starts talking loudly. "Guys did you hear that, y/n here talks about us everyday!"

I regret every decision I've ever made in my entire life. I am now embarrassed. Everyone's attention turns to us 3 and suddenly everyone is teasing me. Amazing, loving my life. I punch Tae's arm and he just laughs at me.Assface.

"Keep teasing me, you guys won't get brownies or your gifts" I grumble

"you got us gifts?" Hyunjin asks smiling at me.

I nod and point towards my bag that is on the counter. I only got them 1 or 2 each because I didn't want them to feel overwhelmed. I don't know if they got me gifts or not, I don't really want any. I prefer to give gits instead of receiving them, people giving me stuff makes me feel awkward. Maybe it's because i haven't got many.. I don't

Minho goes to open the bag but I smack his hand.The sparks in my hand don't go unnoticed but I ignore it. Not the time. He stares at his hand for a minute, he then looks up at me smiling. why is he smiling?

He looks back at his hand and then back at me. Is he okay? "you touched me" he says happily. That is what he is smiling about? I mean other then when we bonded, which I still don't remember, I haven't let them touch me. I guess that's a good reason to be happy..

Jisung scoffs and pouts at me "That's not fair, he is always mean to you and you still touch him first" he whines. He Falls back on Chan dramatically.

"I hit him, would you like to be hit also? Because that could be arranged"

Jisung nods eagerly and I laugh. He is cute, I'll give him that. But not cute enough to convince me to touch him. Not right now at least.

Felix tells everyone to get food before it gets cold, that's why everyone is in here, how did i forget that?


"y/n, i'm going to head home. It's getting late and you all should probably talk" Tae says hugging me. He is going home to use the new paints I got him, if he didn't get those he would probably try to stay.

I hug him back and when he lets go of me I grab the key from my pocket and hand it to him.

"Thank you all for inviting us.I had a lot of fun."

Felix smiles and suddenly hugs him. Tae stands there for a second and then hugs him back. Tae is not a touchy person so the fact that he is hugging Felix back is confusing. Felix whispers something to Tae and Tae nods. What did he say to him? I know if I ask Felix will probably tell me but honestly the fact that they are getting along is good enough for me.

Tae bows at everyone and says bye to them. He then leaves and now i'm alone with them, for the first time in awhile.

There is a small awkward silence. Well it might just be me who feels awkward but its fine, I always feel awkward..

after another 30 seconds of silence Minho speaks up."Lets just get straight to the point. You do want to be with us romantically, correct" He asks looking over at me.

Felix returns to his seat next to Chan.

I don't trust my voice right now so I nod. I know I shouldn't be so nervous because they don't seem to hate me but my anxiety doesn't listen to logic. The only thing i can really think about is if they are going to reject me, or if they  do accept me what if i do something to mess it up? I don't want to ruin this. even tough I haven't bonded with most of them our bond started to form when we started talking and becoming friends.

I really can't ruin this.. I can handle messing almost anything else up but not this. They have already become far too important to me.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Because i was scared. Being scared wasn't the only reason but it was a big part. I feared everything at the time, I even feared myself at the time. I didn't know how to handle my emotions at the time, in my house emotions didn't matter. you kept your issues to yourself.

I wasn't  ready for other people to take care or love me yet. I would have brought them anger and sadness at first. I didn't regularly talk to/people and i was constantly angry or upset. I didn't want to hurt them.

"I wasn't ready- for any sort of relationship.I'm sure Tae told you this already but we grew up differently, especially me. My mother is against soulmates in all forms. My dad left which caused her to grow resentful to the idea of soulmates. I was told that soulmates were horrible and to reject them. When i found out that you guys were my soulmates I was unstable, I had no idea how to deal with my emotions and I knew would end up hurting you guys emotionally so I decided not to tell you guys, not at that time at least. I was going to tell you guys sooner then later but I wanted to make sure i was ready to give you the love you deserve you. I never wanted or want to hurt you guys. You all deserve so much and I didn't want to ruin this."

Everything is silent for a few seconds. I'm looking down because I don't know hoe they are going to react.

Sudden arms wrap around me and there is a slight burning on my arm. I look up and its Felix. He really likes hugs apparently. I'm not complaining though, Felix is a very good hugger. I like Felixs hugs..

Word count:1364
Hi! I'm sorry that this is out so late, I've  been very busy lol. My anxiety is very bad recently so focusing isn't my thing. I've been doing online school since the beginning of the school year and my first day back is the 3rd.its making me nervous and i kinda want to cry but its okay.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

𝙰𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚊 (stray kids x male reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang