Chapter 9

10 0 0

Moon: 1 ¼

Longkit: 5 moons old



"Emphasizing or yelling"



(Longkit's 3rd POV)

Longkit and Wavekit never spent much time around their mother.

Not that she even cares, as she cares more for Crystalkit than them anyway. Not even Crystalkit likes it though, as she often sturgles to get away from her mother's cleaning session knowing she won't even try to clean her brothers.

Lucky they still have their father, Tidefall. Who would come into the nursery from time to time when he wasn't busy with his warrior duties. He would also scold or his at Coralheart for not caring for all their kits.

Even when Tidefall wasn't around they were still cared for by the other queens, mostly Nightleaf. 

The black fur queen would clean them when they got dirty, tell them stories when they got bored, comfort them when they got scared, or hurt and warm them up when they got cold. She was probably practicing for when her future kits are born.

The three kits were playing in the nursery while Coralheart was nowhere to be seen.

Wavekit pounced onto his brother's back causing Longkit yowled out in surprise. The ginger furred kit dropped to the floor as the rolled on the floor squishing his brother in the process. Wavekit let out a squeal when he was squished between the ground and his brother's ginger and white fur. 

Crystalkit then tackled Longkit to the ground, but before he could pin her down, she pushed her hind legs into his stomach causing him to lose his balance as she took the chance to pin him down. She pushed his head to the ground as she stood on his back, making sure he wouldn't be able to move.

They heard a chuckle coming from the entrance of the nursery, looking they all saw. A ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes holding a couple of trout in his mouth. "Looks like we'll be having some more good fighters in the clan." he chuckled.

Nightleaf smiled seeing her mate, Tallfur. Tallfur looked around in the nursery noticing how someone was missing from the nursery.

"Where's Coralheart?" he asked.

"She went off somewhere, at some point and she hasn't been back since." Dovepelt scowled.

Tallfur rolled his eyes. "Of course she did." he mumbled.

He walked up to the kits and placed a trout in front of them. "This was going to be for your mother, but I think you guys need this more." he said.

The kits all smiled happily seeing the trout. Wavekit walked up to Tallfur and nuzzled him.

"Thank you Tallfur!" Wavekit said. Tallfur just smiled as he licked Wavekit's forehead.

"No problem, your father should be here soon his patrol should be heading back now." Wavekit just nodded as he went over to his siblings as he started eating the trout.

Tallfur handed the other trout to Dovepelt. "Vineflower should be heading back too."

Dovepelt just nodded as she began to eat her meal.

Tallfur walked back over to Nightleaf as he nuzzled her and setted the trout infront of her as he laid down near her, however before Nightleaf could eat her trout, Dovepelt let out a pained shriek.

"What's wrong?!" Tallfur asked, his fur standing on the edge.

"T-the kits are coming!" Dovepelt shrieked.

Nightleaf immediately leaped to her paws as she began to brush the kits out of the nursery. While Tallfur ran out of the nursery to go get SIlentgaze and Frogfoot, almost as soon as he entered the medicine cat den the gray and black furred medicine cats came rushing out and into the nursery. 

"What's going on?" They heard a voice ask.

Looking towards the camp entrance they saw Vineflower and Tidefall, both holding some prey in their mouth. The kits ran towards their father and nuzzled his legs

"Dovepelt is having her kits." Nightleaf said as she rubbed her own swollen flank with her black furred tail. "But don't worry Silentgaze and Frogfoot are in there helping her already." she quickly added noticing Vineflower's fur starting to bristle.

"Where's Coralheart?" Tidefall asked not seeing his mate around.

"She left sometime after you left on a patrol." Nightleaf said as she began to nuzzle her mate.

Tidefall then mumbled something Longkit couldn't hear. His attention turned back to the nursery as Silentgaze and Frogfoot. Frogfoot walked towards the group and turned towards Vineflower.

"Two healthy tom-kits. Congratulations Vineflower." Frogfoot said with a smile.

Vineflower's face lit up with a smile as she ran into the medicine cat den. The kits slowly follow behind her. 

In the nursery, Vineflower was licking Dovepelt's cheek as she laid in her nest tiredly. In her nest with her were two small bundles of fur. One had gray fur while a another had white fur with a gray paw.

Crystalkit, Longkit and Wavekit all gently sniffed the newborns with curiosity.

"What are their names?" Wavekit asked Vineflower and Dovepelt.

They both thought for a moment before Vineflower answered.

"The gray one will be named, Fogkit."

Dovepelt nodded in agreement. "And the white furred one will be named Beekit."

Crystalkit smiled. "What beautiful names!"

Vineflower and Dovepelt just smiled as they looked back down at their kits in happiness. While Longkit was lost in thought. 

"I just hope that they'll be treated fairly."



(848 words for chapter 9)

(Sorry this is so short, there's not much to be done for kits, luckly that'll change in the next chapter!)

(Warriors/Bloomlight AU)Stars of Six:The Dark Star-Book 1(1/6) (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن