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"Emphasizing or yelling"



It was the beginning of leafbare.

One of the coldest, of the four seasons. It was also one of the worst. Prey was scarce and the cold wind brings a chill that makes even the toughest warriors shiver. 

Sickness was another thing leafbare brought. As many have lost their lives due to either sickness or the cold weather and was considered to be one of the worst times for a queen to have her kits.

It was a night of resting so that everyone may prepare for the upcoming leafbare. However, tonight was an exception. 

The muffled but loud yowls of pain filled the air inside camp.

"Breath Mintscar, you'll be just fine." Featherfur said, reassuring the black furred queen, her dark grey tail slowly swaying side to side, as her littermate, Emberleaf, who urged the queen to start pushing. The queens body started to tremble as a small wet bundle of fur came out.

Featherfur acted almost immediately breaking the sack that covered the small kit. A small gasping sound could be heard as the small kit took its first breath. 

"A healthy she-kit." Featherfur said, as she presses the small brown tortoiseshell kit to its mother, who picks her up by the scruff and pressing her against her belly. The small tortoiseshell immediately starts suckling for milk, kneading her mother's belly. Mintscar flashed a quick smile before groaning in pain again. "Another one's coming."

This time a small black furred she-kit was born. "Looks just like her mom." Featherfur joked as she pushed the small she-kit to her mom and right by her sister. 

"Two she-kits,congratulations Mintscar."Emberleaf said. Mintscar gave them both a grateful smile as she looked down at her kits. "I'll go fetch you some borage leaves." Featherfur said as she wobbled out of the nursery with her three legs. As she leaves a gray tabby tom walks in with a water soaked moss ball. 

"Here," he said "You must be exhausted." as he nudged the moss closer to the queen. Mintscar nodded thankfully at the gray medicine cat, before drinking the water out of the moss.

"What took you so long, Firefall? We could have used some extra paws here, and I'm pretty sure there's a stream just outside of camp." Emberleaf said walking up to the gray tabby, sharply flicking their tail.

Firefall just let out a small sigh as his tail gently swayed side to side. "Well it's a little hard to get the moss soaked when the said stream has frozen over completely," He said, as he slowly walks up to the black furred queen, looking over her kits. "And besides you two did a great job without me. So well even, that I think I might just retire early."

Emberleaf just rolled their eyes as they flicked their tail, not liking their old mentor's joke. Firefall just let out a small chuckle seeing their reaction. He turned his attention back to the small kits. Seeing that Mintscar was too busy drinking the water from the moss, he began to lick the kits pelts to keep them warm, however. The moment he's tongue made contact with the tortoiseshell kit's head, a fiery feeling rushed through his body, as darkness slowly took over him.




When he opened his eyes, again he found himself in a flower field. With different kinds of flowers and herbs scattered all across the field. It was warm and pleasant at first that was until a sudden  chill swept under his bones. Looking over the horizon he saw what looked to be a cloud of darkness and any plant that the darkness consumed, died almost instantly. 

Frightened by this he started to run away from the darkness until he saw that it was slowly but surely surrounding him. As the storm got closer he could see a pair of dark blue eyes staring him down, almost as if he was a piece of prey.

He began to close his eyes, waiting for the impact, that was until a bright light suddenly showed up. Looking up he could see six bright stars shining in sky, as the stars shined brighter the silhouette of six different cats could be seen as the darkness was being shined away.

Then it all came to an end as he found himself in a void. 

"Firefall." a voice said. Turning around he found himself face to face with his old mentor. 

"Badgerface" said Firefall, his voice laced with joy in seeing his mentor, him still looking the same since before his passing.

"Listen to my words Firefall." Bagderface started. "When light brings darkness and darkness starts to spread, six young stars will shine the brightest and shine the darkness away."

"But what does that mean, and why am I getting told this now?!" Firefall asked. Usually when a medicine cat receives a prophecy it's at half-moon, so why was he getting told this now?

"That I cannot tell you, all I ask of you to do is to make sure this next litter of kits is as healthy as this recent litter." Badgerface said as he slowly started to fade away.

"Wait, no! Badgerface! Badgerface!"Firefall called out to his mentor, but it was no use as a bright light suddenly flashed.







Once his eyes were open he realized that he was being held down by Emberleaf, as Mintscar had her tailed curled around her kits with a look of panic and fear. While Windfur and Hopspots, the other Moonclan queens, were looking at him with confusion and concern. Meanwhile Featherfur made her way back into the nursery, with the borage leaves along with a concern look.

"What happened?" Featherfur asked.

Emberleaf let out a huff as they got off of Firefall. "Someone, decided to groom the kits and ended up spazzing out." Emberleaf said their tail lashing side to side.

"Hmm, how bout you get some rest then, we can finish things here." Featherfur said as she walked over to Firefall, nudging him gently. Firefall then started to get on his paws standing up but wobbling ever so slightly. 

"I-I suppose so. But while I'm up, do you want me to get Coppertooth as well?" Firefall asked Mintscar, who slowly but surely began to let herself relax. "No." she replied "Let him sleep, he can find out when he wakes up." Looking at her small bundle of kits. Firefall nodded.

"Speaking of the kits." Emberleaf said, "What are you gonna name them?".

The queen thinks about it for a little while until she finally comes up with an answer. "I'll name the one that looks like me Owlkit, and I'll name the tortoiseshell Lightkit." 

Firefall could help but flinch at that name, Lightkit. Especially not after receiving that prophecy his mentor told him about. Could it be that this kit was a part of the prophecy? It would make sense seeing as he received said prophecy just right after he touched the kit.

After leaving the queen to rest, the three medicine cats went to their own nests to sleep, but while Emberleaf and Featherfur went to sleep immediately Firefall was left wide awake with his thoughts. "If little Lightkit really is a part of this prophecy then that would just mean that he found one of six mentioned in the prophecy and that the other five were still unknown."

Regardless, he needed his rest if he was going to take care of his clan the next day. After all, leafbare was on its way.



(1229 words for a prologue!)

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