Chapter 4

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Echokit and Sparkkit: 3 moons old.



"Emphasizing or yelling"



(Daisyshade 3rd POV)

From the mountains of Snowclan to the plains of Sunclan

Sunclan one of the four clans that had trouble during leafbare. The short fur of the Sunclan warriors that helped them catch prey in greenleaf, was useless during leafbare as it caused a lot of them to become sick and even caused some of them to freeze to death. While a lot of dens were to protect the cats inside from the harsh cold, it didn't stop the small chills that would slip into the den every now and then.

Among all of the dens was one called the nursery, where a queen was using her body to shield the kits from the cold. Echokit, Adderkit, Glowkit and Sparkkit were the kits of Daisyshade. Adderkit and Glowkit were being kept warm by Rabbittail as the three of them were in the medicine cat den as all three of them were ill.  While Echokit and Sparkkit huddled around Coldkit and Yellowkit, trying to keep the two younger kits warm. Daisyshade looked down at the two with a look of sorrow, as their mother, Plumdapple had died from blood loss just moments after their birth. The ginger she-cat licked their pelts from time to time to try to keep them warm.

"How are we doing little ones?"Daisyshade asked the kits as she wrapped her bushy tail around them more. 

"I'm cold, but okay mama." Sparkkit said as he weakly picked his head up to look at his mother's dark green eyes.

"I'm worried for Adderkit and Glowkit! They are gonna be okay are they?" Echokit asked, her tailed bristles as her concern can be seen within her blue eyes.  

It warmed Daisyshade's heart to see her kit being so concerned about her littermates. "Yes, dear. As long as Rabbittail is looking over them, then they'll be just fine." Daisyshade said as she licked her kit's forehead to comfort her, but at the same time could she be so sure herself. I mean don't get her wrong both Frosthaze and Poppysong were amazing medicine cats, but who was to say that they had enough of the right herbs to cure them.

Shaking those thoughts out of her head she turned her attention to the two younger kits. "What about you two, how are you two holding up?" 

"I'm cold!" Yellowkit yowled.

"I'm hungry!" Coldkit cried.

Daisyshade winced when she heard that. Due to the lack of food, she hasn't been able to produce enough milk to feed all of them. Sure, Rabbittail was taking care of two of the kits, but who was to say that she wasn't having the same problem. Daisyshade did her best to look out of the nursery to see the fresh-kill pile only to see that it had a few small pieces of prey on it that surely wouldn't be enough to produce milk for the four of them. Even if it did have enough prey for them, she couldn't risk leaving the nest and leaving them unprotected for even a second.

She looked back down at the kits to get a good look at them. They were all skinny and thin, so skinny that you could see their tiny ribs. She felt tears welling up in her eyes before she blinked them away. "No! Be strong for them! You need to be strong! You can't cry now!"

"Daisyshade?" a voice asked. Daisyshade looked towards the entrance to see Gooseshine, the brown tabby looked at her with a look of concern while holding a vole along with a bundle of leafs.

The brown tabby walked over to her and placed the vole in front of her. "Here you need this more than me." he said. Daisyshade just looked up at him and gave him a thankful nod before she began to eat the vole. "I also got you some borage leaves so that way you can feed them as well." he said nudging the bundle of leaves closer to her. Daisyshade's eyes widen slightly, "B-But shouldn't Rabbittail use these." Gooseshine shook his head. 

"No Frosthaze says that they got enough to give up some. Plus, I think you need these more than Rabbitail does anyway." He said pointing his tail towards the four starving kits.  Daisyshade looked down at them and nodded. "He had a point, and besides who knows how long it would be till she would be able to feed them again."  Daisyshade thought as she began to eat the borage leaves.

---Small Time Skip---

Daisyshade looked down at the sleeping kits, she wrapped her tail around them protectively after noticing Yellowkit shivering. She let out a small sigh."Two of  my kits are sick and the other two starving along with two other kits, and yet I can't even feed them all because I'm starving too and don't have enough milk for all of them. What am I gonna do?"  Daisyshade thought. As she can feel her tears swelling up in her eyes again. 

"Daisyshade." Alderfang said. She looked up at the black furred tom who was entering the nursery. "Are you guys okay?" he asked. 

"Y-yes, they're doing just fine."Daisyshade said looking down at the four kits.

"What about you? Are you ok?"Alderfang asked as he sat down near his mate. 

"M-me?" Daisyshade asked, shocked.

"Well this leafbare isn't just affecting the kits is it? Plus, it's obvious you're stressed out." He said as he wrapped his tail around Daisyshade's.

Finally all of her stored up tears came pouring out. "It's just all been so much lately, with Adder and Glowkit being sick, the shortage of prey, and Plumdapple dying. I made a promise to her that I would take care of her kits, but how can I do that if I can barely take care of own!" Daisyshade cried.

Alderfang's tail stroked her back in comfort as he gently licked her ear, trying to comfort his mate. "I know it's been hard for you, especially since Plumdapple died. But I want you to know that you don't have to go through this alone, it doesn't hurt to ask for help or letting yourself take a break every now and then. You could always ask me, or Gooseshine to look after the kits while you get some rest."Daisyshade smiled hearing her mate's comforting words. 

He gently wrapped his tail around Daisyshade's tail. "Get some rest I'll take care of the kits if they wake up." he said. She was hesitant to do so but, she reluctantly did so, feeling her eyelids getting heavy. She laid her head down on her nest as she could feel herself drifting off to sleep.

"Maybe I could close my eyes for a while."



(1106 words for chapter 4)

(Warriors/Bloomlight AU)Stars of Six:The Dark Star-Book 1(1/6) (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن