Chapter 8

14 0 0

Moon: 1 ¼

Echokit and Sparkkit: 4 moons old



"Emphasizing or yelling"



(No one's 3rd POV)

Both Glowkit and Adderkit were a whole lot better than they were last moon, along with Rabbittail.

Poppysong reassured the ginger furred queen that her kits were fine, and that all they had was a small case of kittencough. All eight of them were inside the nursery once again. Rabbittail was watching Yellowkit and Coldkit, who were playing with each other. Rabbittail smiled as her tail curled around her swollen flank, in which her future kits were growing.

Alderfang was in the nursery watching over his kits while Daisyshade was outside of the den with Lemonbreeze and, Sagewhisker taking a very much needed break.

Glowkit and Adderkit were doing a lot better than they were last moon, where they were barely able to speak.

All three kits huddled up as they began to start their game. "I'll be the fearless, warrior! Adderkit will be the ruthless badger, and Glowkit will be the injured apprentice." Echokit said pointing her tail towards her siblings respectively. 

This caused Glowkit to frown. "But all the apprentice does is sit there and look scared!"

Echokit smirked at this. "That's why you're the apprentice." she explained.

"Daadd. Echokit's being a jerk!" Glowkit yelled out towards her the black furred tom, her own fur bristling.

Alderfang who was listening to all this just closed his eyes and thought for a while before he opened them. "How about I tell you guys a story instead?" he said.

Sparkkit, who was sitting by his fathers paws looked up at him with curiosity. His siblings copied his expression as they all scooted closer to their father.

Alderfang chuckled seeing their response. "I guess, I'll take that as a yes." He looked over towards Rabbittail to see that both Coldkit and Yellowkit also perked up. "You two can listen as well." Coldkit and Yellowkit made their way over towards the group. Yellowkit nuzzled herself into Glowkit, to which gained her a lick on the ear.

All of them turned their attention to Alderfang, as he began his story.

"We all know about Starclan and the Dark Forest right?" he asked. All the kits nodded.

"But do we know how they came to be?"They all shook their heads.

"Well then listen closely as you will hear the story of how Starclan came to be." Alderfang started.

"A long time ago a queen gave birth to two kits in this land. The oldest kit was rude and  demanding, barely giving his poor mother a break as he expected many things from his mother. While the younger kit was kind and patient, helping his mother whenever his brother demanded something that she couldn't have done by herself."  Alderfang said.

"Over time the two kits grew into two fully grown toms. The youngest remained kind and patient and helped others over time. While the oldest turned greedy and bossy forcing cats to work under him and made them work till they were nothing but skins and bones."

"And if a cat refuses to listen to him?" Echokit asked. All of the kits pretty much on top of black furred warrior. 

"He'd kill them." This caused all the kits to gasp. It was enough to force a cat to work under you till they die, but to kill because they refuse to you is going too far.

"Yes, he'd kill every single one of them that refuses to listen to them. The youngest took notice of this and begged his brother to stop his evil ways. But the oldest refused to listen to youngest."

"He crossed the line however, as during a hunting session the youngest found standing over his mother's dead body!" Alderfang said. Once again the kits gasped, how could he kill his own mother, that did so much for him as a kit?!

"The youngest and the oldest fought, after the youngest decided it was time to put an end to his brother's evil ways. In the end, the youngest ended up slitting his brother's neck open, however his wounds were too much for him to bear as he succumbed to his wounds, before he took his final breathe the stars shined brighter as they invited him to join the stars, and he did just that as his soul became the brightest star in the sky." Alderfang said as he finished his story.

"What about the oldest brother? What happened to him?" Adderkit asked.

"His soul was sent to the darkest forest to ever exist." Alderfang said.

Echokit nodded, "Serves him right for the  terrible things he did."

"I hope I don't end up in that forest." Sparkkit said. Alderfang licked that ginger kit's ear.

"Of course you won't, just as long as you stay as kind and pure as you are now than I'm sure you'll walk with the stars."

"That's an amazing story!" Glowkit said.

"Yes, but stories won't fill bellies." All the kits looked towards the entrance to see a ginger furred tom covered in scars with blue eyes standing in the entrance.

"Yes, but it will keep the kits happy, along with being busy." Alderfang said.

"Yes, but it won't keep everyone happy or fill anyone's bellies." Sharpear huffed as his tail gave a sharp flick. "Daisyshade will be back soon."

"Alright. Alright, I'm up." Alderfang said as he stood up and shook out his pelt, sensing his brother's patience running low.

"Here play with this till Daisyshade comes back." he said as he tossed a mossball to the kits.

The kits immediately chased after the mossball, all of them trying to catch it. All but Echokit who was deep in thought.

"Maybe I'll be great enough to join the stars."



(923 words for chapter 8)

(The Starclan and Dark Forest story was inspired by a head-cannon by DanSly on Youtube.)

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