Ch. 7: Late Night Conversations

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Grover stood before a statue with Annabeth placing a comforting hand on his shoulder when Percy and Jinora returned. Annabeth was holding Trickster in her hand, having retrieved it for her friend.

"Grover," Jinora said his name. Annabeth turned around with a mournful look in her eye. "What is it?"

The satyr took a shuddering breath. "Uncle Ferdinand."

Percy took a deep breath, his shoulders slumped. "Oh no..." He walked forward and placed a hand on Grover's other shoulder.

"This is as far as he got on his quest," Grover murmured. "We aren't even to Trenton, but look at him–" he laughed bitterly. "He's not like the others. He doesn't look afraid."

The three of them stood silently for a bit, giving Grover the time that he needed. Finally, he sniffled and turned around.

"You, used the head to get rid of Alecto?"

Percy nodded, watching his friend carefully with a grim look on his face. Any victorious feeling he'd had taking down Medusa then Alecto had vanished. "Yeah."

"Good," Grover responded. He wiped his eyes. "That was the right move. We, uh...we should probably get going."

Annabeth handed Jinora her sword, and she sheathed it. She nodded and squeezed Grover's shoulder.

"What do we do with the head," Percy asked, lifting up the invisible head of Medusa. "I just took down a Fury with it and I wasn't even trying. We can't just leave it for someone to find. Leave the hat on and bury it in the basement. That oughta keep it safe."

Jinora glanced over at Annabeth at Percy's suggestion. The girl was shocked and shifted on her feet. Any confidence Annabeth usually carried was gone. Finally, she just agreed with a curt, "Sure."

Jinora shook her head. "No, I don't think that's a good idea."

Percy furrowed his brows at her objection. "What? Why?"

Jinora shrugged. "I just don't think we should use Annabeth's hat to hide Medusa's head."

"Why," Percy pressed on.

"Because we just can't, okay," Jinora pushed back, her voice raising slightly. She tugged on the ends of her sleeves. "We just gotta figure out another way to deal with her head."

Percy frowned. He shifted on his feet, starting to get a little irritated. "Okay, then what's your plan, Jinora? Leave the head here for someone to find? Great idea."

Jinora clenched her jaw and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, why don't you come up with a plan, Percy? What about the plan you seem to have already come up with Medusa? Hmm? 'You could have saved your mother.' That's what she said to you, which means you already spoke to her about it. Is your mother still alive?"

Fresh frustration boiled to the surface as Percy set his jaw. He didn't like how these questions were sounding–like she was accusing him of a crime. "I'm going to bring my mother back from the Underworld with me. But thanks for your concern."

Grover clenched his eyes shut. "Guys, please stop."

"I am concerned," Jinora continued. "Because what are you really doing on this quest? You've been keeping things from us, and teams don't keep secrets. This is the first we've heard about your mother–and why did we have to hear about it from Medusa of all people? Do you even care about retrieving the lightning bolt?"

Annabeth glanced at Grover before speaking up. "Guys–"

Percy scowled at her. "Okay, sure. While we're at it: 'You should have accepted my offer?' What's that about, do you think? And why do we have to hear about it from Alecto?"

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