Part 9: lil gay ass

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Rennie thought, leaving the discord call with the group and joining a private call with Tommy.
"Hi Tom..."
"Look. Rennie. I was drunk. Let's forget about that whole piece of shit that broke up our friendship and focus on what just happened."

Rennie was slightly taken aback by his boldness.

"Look Tom..." she said, debating wether to tell him the truth. "It's a coincidence."

"Ohh. So he just met another girl called Rennita who lives across the street from him and plays the Electric guitar?!"

One again, Rennie was stunned.

"Ok. You know what? I'll tell you everything. Happy?" She asked. Slightly annoyed, but relieved she could finally talk to someone about this mess. And Tom was her friend again.

"Come to mine, Renna. We can talk here."

~Time skip~

Rennie was now sat on Tommy's bed, swirling her fingers around the stitched pattern on the duvet.

Tommy sat next to her and nodded.

"Ok. Tell me about this whole mess."

So she did.
She told him about her
embarrassing celebrity crush, how she had booked this job as a hobby, yelled at him in the street, she talked to him about the songs they played together. About how strongly she associated 'Paper Crowns' with herself, and the relationship she had with James. She rambled on about how James had invited her on the tour. And how he can come over. And how, in a half asleep state, she had pulled him into her bed, And James held her close as he stroked Rennie's back, like her never wanted to let go.
She told him everything.

Tommy lay back against the wall... stunned at what Renna had just said.

"Um.. well... fuck." He exhaled in disbelief.

Rennie noticed he has speechless.

"do I tell him it's me?" She asked desperately. "Will he be angry?" " I don't know what to fucking do, Tommy."

It took a few seconds for Tommy to respond.

"He likes you. He wants you, Renna. Trust me. If you told him both his Rennie's are the same... he wouldn't be angry."

"But Tom. You're not thinking about the possibility that on tour, my name will be leaked. I can't speak on stage, Tom. They'll know it's me. They can't know my name. You know what crazy fans are like."

Tommy looked at her with sympathy.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Take the risk. It will be for the better, trust me."

She froze. Digging her nails into the bedsheets.

"Your right, Tommy." She whispered quietly.

"Huh?" He didn't hear her.

"Your right, Tommy!"
Rennie had processed it now.

She needs to come clean. She needs to tell James.

"Thank you, Tommy." She said with a smile, a weight lifted off her shoulders. After weeks of feeling weighed down.

"Anything else you want to talk about?" Ren asked, not expecting to have anything else to talk about.

Tommy took a sharp inhale, then breathed out slowly, leaving Rennie concerned about what he had about to say.

"Actually... yeah."

Rennie nodded, as if to say 'ok. Go on.'

"Look, Rennie. I've felt like somethings been wrong for years. And I've figured out what it is. I've pretended to myself for years, Ren. Fucking YEARS just because I'm terrified. I've mixed up attraction with admiration and now I can finally differ the two."
He said, almost too quick for Renna to take in.

She was curious, yet slightly concerned, waiting for him to give his final point.

"I'm.., Ren. Gay. I.. I like men."
He stuttered. Hands wrapped around his waist, eyes uncertain to Rennie's reaction.

Much to his surprise, she smiled.

"HA! I KNEW IT! I fucking knew it Tom.'

She then realised that may have come across badly.

"Sorry. I'm happy you've found that out, Tom. I've had some... suspicions. That's why I was so surprised then you kis... never mind. I'm just really fucking happy for your lil gay ass"
She said, affectionately. Pulling him in for a tight hug.

He was over the moon.

Guess this had been beneficial to the both of them

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