Chapter 3

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Team RWBY, JNPR, CRDN, SSSN, The ORC, Sona, Riser, and their Peerages stood in front of the Headmasters of Union, "Your mission is to find the creature Team RWBY encountered and bring it here," Ozpin said.

"Why not just kill it?" Riser asked.

"We need to know if this is just an outlier, the last of the low generation of kindred, if there are more of the low generation, we must find them before they bring death to all," said Michael.


"The Dark Father has gotten word of the Tal'mahe'ra are becoming more active, they've sent an agent, your to find them, find out what they're planning, and if necessary, kill them," said Rayne to her adopted fledgling.

"Yes ma'am," said Damian as he left the meeting area.

Damian walked around the city but he found nothing, but he felt like he was being watched by someone.

Damian looked around and thought he saw someone as a silhouette.

"Pierce the Murk," Damian said as he tried to see through the darkness.

He saw a blond woman standing on a roof and she had a smirk.

She then disappeared, Damian began to look around, a knife came flying at him, and he just barely dodged, "Not bad, I didn't expect you to dodge or react so fast," said the woman as she appeared before him

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She then disappeared, Damian began to look around, a knife came flying at him, and he just barely dodged, "Not bad, I didn't expect you to dodge or react so fast," said the woman as she appeared before him.

"Who are you?" Damian asked.

"Call me DIA," said DIA.

"Ok Día, what clan are you?" asked Damian trying to figure out what abilities she was using.

"Oh child, I can't just tell you, telling someone your clan is allowing them to know your weaknesses," said Dia.

"True," said Damian.

"But I'll give you time to figure out what I am," said Día as she disappeared and knives came flying around him, Damian slammed his palm onto the ground and tendrils made of shadows came from the ground and the tendrils slapped the knives out of the air.

The woman jumps down on Damian and he rolls out of the way the concrete beneath her feet shattered.

"Potence," Damian thought as she looked at him still smiling, an alluring smile Damian thought he felt his heart skip a beat, which should be impossible he didn't have a heart beat anymore.

"Come to me child," she said motioning forward and Damian began to walk forward.

"No," Damian said mentally as he stopped.

"Presence," Damian said.

"You know the disciplines, good, one left," he said and she disappeared again.

"Think, think, she's basically teleporting, disappearing and reappearing, obfuscate?" Damian asked as more knives appear around him and try to hit him.

"No, the knives appear and get launched," said Damian.

"Like they were frozen," Damian said.

"Frozen in time," Damian thought as he widened his eyes.

Time then froze, "I hope you figured it out child, because soon will be the end," said Día as she took out a knife and jumped back throwing the knife as it stopped mere inches from Damians eye.

Time restarted and the knife nearly hit Damians eye but he dodged at the last second, "Impressive," said Dia.

"You always throw knives before stopping time, I'm setting my brain to dodge," said Damian as he jumped on top of a building, Día following after him.

"How do I fight a time manipulator?" Damian asked as he kept his senses high and keeping shadows around to intercept the knives.


"I don't want to question the power of the Lasombra, but, how does control of the Shadows make us the strongest of the Clans when we compete with the True Brujah, who control time itself?" asked Damian.

"That a fair question fledgling, truly it is, take a seat my childe, The True Brujah, it is true they can control time, and have so few members that the highest generation is at best a generation eight, but power isn't the disciplines you use, it's not just the traditions you follow, more than influence, more than allegiance, more than mastering control, it is all these things, plus you're ingenuity, to know your opponents weaknesses, is to control the fight, the Lasombra have gathered much on our cousins in the last few thousand years, that is what makes us the strongest clan even above time manipulators, demons summoners, and blood mages, we know the weaknesses, of our cousins, we can exploit those weaknesses," said Rayne.

"Do you know what the limits of a True Brujah time manipulation is?" asked Rayne.

"No," Damian admitted.

"They can only use their time powers in our dimension, the dimension of their birth, and we Lasombra, we can open portals to the Abyss and drag our enemies in, a place where our Obtenebration grows stronger, and the other clans grow weaker," said Rayne.

Flashback end

Damians eyes turned pure black and his irises glowed red and a dome of darkness spread around him engulfing himself and Día in the darkness.

It was cold, dark, and there were dark whispers like demons around them, "What is this, what have you done?" Yelled Dia.

"I've brought you to the Abyss, the source of Obtenebration, and like the rest of my clan, I rule everything here," said Damian as tendrils made of Shadows shot into Día like harpoons impaling her and causing her to scream as her blood dripped to the ground.

"Damn brat," she growled as she tried to use Temporis but nothing came of it.

"What, how," growled Dia.

Damian said nothing not a word he made a blade of Shadows right above Día and it fell intending to behead her, she roared and managed to cut the shadows holding her in the air and attacked Damian, but as she lost more blood Día got slower with each attack.

"Tell me why your here, and I'll take you back to face Caine's punishment," growled Damian, Dia just growled and sliced into Damian with her black claw like nails cutting open his chest it was enough to suck the darkness away.

"This isn't over boy," she growled as she disappeared having used the most of her blood energy to get away with Temporis.

"So that was the power of a True Brujah, I can see why Temporis was feared, but in the end, even Time is no match for the Shadows of the Abyss," said Damian as he melted into the shadows to return to his adopted sire and Mentor.

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