Chapter 9

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The students of Union walked into their new class yawning, as it was the middle of the night, one of the conditions of a vampire teaching at Union, her classes would be night classes, "why do we have to learn stupid vampire shit," groaned Issei.

"Didn't a vampire beat you?" asked a board Koneko.

"He cheated, there's no way a simple vampire could beat the Red Dragon Emperor," said Issei arrogantly.

"Well then it's a good thing, we aren't simple vampires," said Rayne walking in.

She set papers down and Damian took a seat, "I suppose a good place to start your vampire education is on our clan, the strongest of the thirteen vampire clans, and that's not ego, that's fact," said Rayne.

"I'm pretty sure it is just ego," Issei whispered to Saji.

"Yeah, wonder what's bigger, her tits or her ego," said Saji making Issei laughed, shadow tentacles rose up behind them and wrapped around the two boys and began tossing them around.

Issei and Saji are slammed into the ground and crawl back to their seat, "let me set the stage for you all," said Rayne with a cruel sadistic smile.

"As night descends, and darkness blankets the city. An eerie chill fills the air, you find yourself alone, in the dimly lit streets, unaware of the horrors that lurk within the shadows, suddenly a feeling of unease washes over you, as the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, you quicken your pace you notice something peculiar, the shadows begin to dance, and writhe, almost as if they have a life of their own, a cold shiver run downs your spine, and you can't shake the feeling you're being watch, with each passing moment the darkness seems to grow thicker, and more sinister, you can't escape the feeling something malevolent is watching your every move, using the shadows as it's cloak of concealment, the familiar streets feel like a treacherous maze, and you can no longer trust the light, every flickering street lamp cast doubt and you find yourself questioning your own sanity, you turn a corner and your heart skips a beat, there at the end of the alley way is a pair of luminous eyes they pierce the darkness locking onto yours, shocking you to your core, you know they are here for you, to drag you kicking and screaming into the abyss," said Rayne as a dark fog began to whisp around the Union students their hearts beating faster, their fear of the woman at an all time high.

"Are you afraid children, it's expected, the oldest and strongest emotion is fear, and the oldest kind of fear, that you mortals have had since Adam crawled from the primordial mud, is the fear of the unknown," said Rayne.

"Many of our cousin clans fear us, after all we make other vampires afraid of the dark, shadowy tentacles creeping up on you as if out of one of HP Lovecraft's novels, but these aren't just shadows we control, it is the abyss itself," said Rayne.

"Miss. Rayne, what is the abyss?" asked Blake.

"A realm of shadows and darkness, but also more, the abyss is older than anything in the known universe, after all before God brought light, there was nothing, only darkness, the void, it lies at the center of creation, always creeping in, devouring little pieces of reality as it goes, we Lasombra we can manipulate little pieces of this void, summoning dark spirits, and Eldritch shadow demons," said Rayne.

"Now follow me into this dark abyss that is the history of Clan Lasombra," said Rayne.

"Like many of our cousin clans we trace our lineage back to an ancient vampire of the third generation, an antediluvian, what could be said about them, is space the one who sired this dark entity, their true name, all are unknown, even to I, the Last they ever embraced, what I can tell you, Lasombra primarily took the form of a regal and beautiful young woman, in life she had been unremarkable who would amount to little, however with the powers of vampirism bestowed to her she set forth to begin building her reputation, transcending beyond her mortal destiny," said Rayne.

"So your a clan of losers and beggers, no wonder that loser Damian fits right in," said Cardin.

A tendril of shadows pulled Cardin up to the ceiling tightening around his neck as he moved trying to escape, "insult my mother, my clan, and my adopted childre again, and I'll throw you into my oubliette," said Rayne.

Rayne dropped him to the ground, "like all vampires at the time, Lasombra survived the flood of the Earth and with her cousins and siblings founded another city to succeed the first city of Enoch, we knew it as the second city," said Rayne.

"It's possible around this time is when Ventrue and Lasombra began their rivalry for the right to rule vampire kind, both having supposedly been trained by Caine himself, but all empires fall this was no exception, the thirteen clan founders began a war for power and this ended in the deaths of the second generation, amd Caine would curse the clan founders, curses that permeate through the blood to this day," said Rayne.

"If you don't mind Miss. Rayne, but what is your weakness?" Weiss asked.

"Like vampires in the movies you young people all love to watch, the Lasombra can't see their reflection, nor can they be seen on film, that might sound not that bad," said Rayne.

"Speak for yourself," said Yang.

"But imagine going hundreds maybe thousands of years not seeing what you look like, imagine no photo of you exists from before your embrace, you slowly forget what you look like, you have no idea what you look like now, and everyone you ask is too afraid to tell you the truth for fear of what you'll do to them, this thought tends to go away the older a Lasombra gets but many younger ones grow quite worried for it, the only clan I'd say has it worse in that department are the Nosferatu, who look like count Orlog from the film of the same name, Lasombra and Nosferatu share that quality eventually we forget what we look like and sometimes fear to see the monster we've become," said Rayne.

"After the fall of the second generation, and the second city, the third generation spread across Europe, Africa, the middle east, even somewhat into Asia, Lasombra had a love for the sea so she stuck to the Mediterranean, even spent time as a pirate, as did many of those she embraced and her childre embraced, we had a hand in the catholic church even, Lasombra believed it could make for a decent weapon someday, around 1130 AD Lasombra embraced what possibly nearly became the bane of her existence, Gratiano de Veronese, before I was embraced Gratiano was the last of my siblings," said Rayne.

"How would Gratiano be the near bane of your mother?" Rias asked.

"Sometime I'm the early fourteen hundreds some years after my own embrace, the younger generation of Cainites began a revolt lead by Gratiano and many others, Gratiano and a coterie of Assamites marched on the Castle of Shadows in Sicily and Gratiano diablerized Lasombra, or so he thought," said Rayne.

"In reality I helped my sire escape Sicily and I brought her to Romania where she dethroned the reigning Tzimisce, Vlad Tepes and took up his name as her own, my sire ruled for four hundred years than in the nineteenth century she was brought to her weakest and was forced into torpor by two knights of the English church, Abraham Van Helsing, and Jonathan Harker, to this day she sleeps beneath Caines citadel she awaited Caines call to awaken, for she is the dragon that will burn the Antediluvians, in Black Abyssal fire," said Rayne.

"That's concludes tonight's lesson, class dismissed," said Rayne and everyone left.

"So Damian how much of that was true and how much was myth, and how much did she skip?" Yang asked.

"All of it is true based on the fact Caine himself is around, I have visited the body of Lasombra, as for how much was skipped, a lot, but honestly Vampire history would require several nights to go through," said Damian.

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