Einar looked mighty dissapointed. "You are supposed to go wild and have fun ..and fall in love !! "

Arent you supposed to preach me  against temptations of flesh ? What kind of master are you!?

"I think Narin's lady in waiting likes you"  Einar wiggled his brows "I saw her stealing looks at you "

"Master," River said flatly "she's twenty nine "

Einar rolled his eyes and groaned "You are no fuuuuun"

Go nag Wolfram !

"When I was your age ," he coughed " I went on ton of dates! "

"I heard " River scrubbed the shelf grudgingly "that you had quite a few romantic escapades "

Einar's grin widened and his eyes dissapeared in a sea of crinckles  "Girls asked me out all the time "

River rolled his eyes "That' s impressive "

"You got the looks ,deciple ,yet you lack charm! "

"I get that quite a lot"

To River 's utter relief a gaurd appeared , like an angel sent by Gods.

"His majesty wishes to see you" he said to River .

That was odd . But even if the head of underworld summoned him right now  ,he would gladly go .

River excused himself and let the soldier lead him to the throne room.
He went inside and the soldier shut the door behind him .

Kaizer barely went in to the throne room. His court meetings were usually held in this colossal sumptuous hall and Kaizer Schulz left it the moment his ministers were dismissed .

So River found it peculiar to find the West King slumped on the regal throne , his head drooped like the West crown weighed a world. In that vacant hall, against giant pillars and high ceiling ,he seemed to  have shrunken.

River lowered himself on to one knee and bowed his head .

"You may rise ," his voice echoed off the walls  "River Verlice "

River felt his heart jump to his throat.

In the deafening silence that followed West King's ominous address, a searing chill ran down River's spine as he felt an inferno of hot, damp breath caressing his nape, sending every hair on end.

His whole body shuddered in alarm. Something was behind him ,it was growling ,and it was huge . River's gaze plummeted to the floor, revealing the nightmarish shadow of a beast with more legs than reason allowed him to comprehend. His brain, in a state of semi-functionality, struggled to grasp the monstrosity that was looming behind him ,growling ,panting and probably salivating .

Kaizer Schulz.

The patriarch of heavenly beasts.

"Make no sudden moves," Kaizer Schulz's chilling whisper permeated the air, as if even he harbored a trepidation for the monstrous entity at his command.

Forget moving . River did not dare to draw breath.  He stood like a marble statue ,trying to calm his pounding heart.

It can hear .

It will know ..that its prey is paralyzed with fear.

If it smells fear..it's over.

Kaizer rose from his throne , his crown tilted on his snow white hair. He looked aged than yesterday.

Kaizer took measured steps toward River , his footfall reverberating in the hollow chamber. His cold gray eyes stared in to River's widened azure ones , like he was seeing through River's soul.

"You will listen ,silently , to what I have to say "

Author has something to say

Thank you so much for reading my story . Author apologizes for the short chapter. Author spent the whole day planning the chapter.

Author will speak no further to maintain the tone of the story.

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River verlice

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