chapter 17

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I woke up dehydrated and check the bedside table to see if I have a glass of water but there was nothing and i checked the time on my phone it was 1:56am.

"Seems like I need to go to the kitchen." mumbled Macau to himself as he started to go towards the kitchen but as he reached the kitchen.

He saw a silhouette wandering around the kitchen, it could be someone from the family but the silhouette has a long hairs which no one has in there family.

He saw a silhouette wandering around the kitchen, it could be someone from the family but the silhouette has a long hairs which no one has in there family

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'Who is this person? and what he is doing in the kitchen.' thought Macau in his mind and widened his eyes as he saw the guy pick a knife from the kitchen counter.

'Is a killer? no way anyone will hurt my family in front my eyes.' said Macau in his mind with determination and started to look around for a thing to be weapon

His eyes landed on a vase which was placed on the table and went to pick it with slow step to not alert the intruder while he picked up the vase.

He slowly went behind the intruder with vase as a weapon and was about to hit him but the guy just turned around and looked at Macau and a vase in his hand ready to strike at him.

"A vase, seriously?" said the guy as he chuckled at Macau as if he made a joke with a ice cream in his hands.

"Are you not afraid that I can break your head with this?" asked Macau feeling cringe inside after making a fool of himself.

"You are not even scary, you look like a cute kitten ready to attack but the attack cause nothing." said the guy as he ate a scope of ice cream.

"I am not kitten and specially not cute." said Macau as he pouted a little without even realising himself at being called cute kitten.

"Why can't you be cute?" asked the guy with curiosity in his eyes as he continued to eat his ice cream.

"I am a son of fucking mafia, my brother is known for being a devil so, I have a reputation to maintain, you can't call me a cat." said Macau as he looked in the guy eyes who smile a little after hearing that.

"Okay." said the guy with a smile on his face before putting the empty bowl into the sink.

"Good night." said the guy as he started going towards upstairs.

"Wait! Who are you?" asked Macau as he suddenly realised that the person can be a psycho, spy, assassination or anything.

"I am Leo, uncle Pram's nephew." said the guy named Leo as he went upstairs without even turning back.

"Okay" said Macau as he process the thing happened just a few minutes ago and took a glass of water he came for.


In the morning Macau woke up a little tired as he played a little at night before he knew that it was already 4:00am in the morning.

Macau woke up from the bed to freshen up and went downstairs to eat something because it was already 11:00am in the morning.

"Good morning." said Macau as he spotted his parents sitting on the sofa while chatting with each other.

"Good morning, it's almost afternoon Macau when are you going to act like your age?" said Gina with a little anger and a lot worry for her son's health.

But Macau is macau who never listen to anyone so, he is going to ignore it and went straight to the kitchen to eat something.

But as he entered the kitchen he was a little shocked to see the scene in front of him, the same guy from the night which he thought was just his dream.

The boy was really handsome in the daylight with his blue cat eyes and a sharp jawline with a fantastic cheekbones and a perfect toned body.

The guy looks like a model straight of a magazine, he looks like a Greek god in just his black vest and night pajama while he is cooking.

"If you want, I can remove my vest too so, you can drool at my body better." said Leo as he looked at Macau with a smirk on his face.

"I was not drooling at your body, I was drooling at the aroma of this delicious food, got it?" said Macau as he came up with a reason.

"Whatever you say." said Leo as he switched off the stove and transfer the food into two bowl.

"Here, you might be hungry too since you also woke up just now." said Leo as he passed a bowl to Macau who accept that.

"Thanks." said Macau as he ate the food which Leo gave him.

"It's delicious." praised Macau as he took a another bite from the bowl.

"Glad you like it." said Leo as he also started eating and after eating they both left the empty bowls in the sink and went to the living room.

"Look the king finally decides to met the poor people." said Vegas statistically as he saw Macau coming out of the kitchen and Macau just rolled his eyes at his brother remarks.

"P'Pete how can you stay with such an annoying person, just blink if you need help." said Macau as he looked at Pete who laugh and Macau just got a smack on his head.

"Brat." said Vegas as looked at his brother who was rubbing his head to erase some pain.

Soon the other two couple also came into the living area and sat on the sofa comfortably.

"How are you Leo?" asked Pram to his nephew as he sat at the sofa with Preaw on his side.

"I am fine uncle, how is your health?" asked Leo in return to his uncle.

"I am fine, healthy, just as handsome as i always was." said Pram to which everyone laugh.

"How is coal and maria?" asked Pram about his brother and his wife to his nephew.

"Mom and dad are also doing fine, infact more than just doing fine." said Leo as he remember how in love his parents are.

"Nice to know, did you meet them?" asked Pram as he looked at at his son and son in law.

"No" said Leo as he looked at the three person sitting in front of him, it's not like he doesn't know him, just didn't met them in person.

"So, let me introduce my elder son Vegas and my son in law Pete who is also your uncle's son, in short your cousin and then my younger son Macau." said Gun as he introduced his sons to his friends nephew who was with them for a sometime.

"Nice to meet you Vegas, I heard a lot about you and feels glad to finally meet you." said Leo as shake his hands with Vegas who also say the same.

"My dear cousin, I also heard a lot about you like how skillful you are, I would love to learn those skills from you." said Leo as he shaked his hands with Pete who just smiled in return.

"Macau nice to meet you i heard you are so brave." said Leo with a smirk on his face as he shake his hands with Macau who just close his eyes from the embarrassment he is feeling.

"Tell me how is your business going?" said Leo as he looked at pram and gun both.

"Nothing much son there is nothing you should worry about." said Pram as gun also agreed to his friends statement.

"And how are these beautiful ladies doing?" asked Leo again but this time to Preaw and Gina who just answered.

"We are fine, just as beautiful as we were in our twenties." said Gina as she flicked her hair.

"Nice to know." said Leo and the conversation smoothly went.


Thanks a lot for reading 🖤💙
If there is any kind of grammatical mistakes or misspellings please forgive me and correct me.
Take care

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