Her eyes brightened at him. "Really? The Science Museum has an event on this month for medicine through the ages, it even has a model breakdown of the nervous system! I thought it would be– Ah. I see why Mary maybe wasn't interested."

"But I am," Sherlock doesn't know how she does it, but everyday Evelyn makes him fall more and more in love with her. The mental visual of walking hand in hand with his pregnant wife around a medical exhibition made him realise once again that she truly was perfect for him. "I'd enjoy taking you. I'm interested to see how accurate the model is."

"They have a display of microscopes!" She said excitedly. "All the way back to the first ever one, and an interactive poisons unit. In fairness, I've had enough poisons in one lifetime, but still fascinating!"

"Dinner?" He blurted it out before he could stop himself. She looked so beautiful and animated he wanted to snog her senseless, but decided on a gentlemanly route.

She narrowed her eyes. "Is that a euphemism?"

"No. I thought we could go to Angelo's, have a meal, just us." He pressed his palm against her belly. "We've been so caught up in the baby and getting ourselves organised I thought it would be nice to try getting in some time for us. We can do the museum tomorrow, but dinner tonight?"

"Like the last supper."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "It's a baby, not a death sentence."

She giggled, tracing the shell of his ear. "Angelo's would be lovely."

"Good. Great. Please stop touching me like that or we won't get anywhere–"

"Ooh!" Evelyn grabbed his hand, moving it to the top of her stomach, wide eyed. "Feel that?"

A slow smile was spreading over Sherlock's face. "They're really– Oh." He laughed, shifting on the sofa so his head was closer to her middle. "Careful, you don't want to bruise your mummy." He looked up to meet Eve's gaze with eyes full of wonder. "What does it feel like?"

"It's hard to explain... It's sort of like a slow swirling sensation. Sometimes it can be a bit uncomfortable compared to before, not much room in there now." She grinned down at her bump that wasn't really a bump anymore. "They move around a lot, usually feels like they're stretching out, but it's not always this forceful. I like it when you can feel them."

"Me too." The baby kicks out again. "Hello, it's your dad here. I'm taking your mother out for dinner tonight, you'll probably get to enjoy a nice fettuccine al burro con pollo with her. That's her favourite."

Eve hums, twisting his curls around her finger. "Daddy knows me very well."

"Could even share a slice of lemon polenta cake if you like."

She huffed. "I'd rather have affogato. Once this baby is out I'm going to consume coffee like I've been on a desert island."

Sherlock chuckled, pressing a kiss to the bump. "See what Mummy has given up for you?"

"Worth it though."

The grin on both their faces was enough to light up the room. Definitely worth it.


Evelyn grabbed her shoe, stretched down and attempted to hook it on the end of her foot. She dropped it. "How the hell–"

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