thank you

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I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who took the time to read my book. It was a labor of love and passion, and to know that it has reached the hands and hearts of readers brings me immense joy and satisfaction. Writing this book was a journey filled with ups and downs, but your support and encouragement kept me going. Whether you finished the book in one sitting or took your time to savor it, I am grateful for your interest and dedication. Each reader brings a unique perspective and interpretation to the words on the page, and that is what makes writing such a beautiful form of art. I hope my book has touched your life in some way, whether it made you laugh, cry, or reflect on your own experiences. Thank you for giving my words a chance to be heard and for being a part of this journey with me. Your support means everything to me, and I am honored to have shared my story with you. Thank you for reading my book. 

 I am currently in the process of working on my second book, and I couldn't be more excited about it. This project has been on my mind for a while now, and I am finally able to dedicate my time and energy to bring it to life. As a writer, there is nothing quite like the feeling of creating something from scratch and seeing it all come together. This book will be a continuation of my first one, delving deeper into the themes and characters that I have already developed. However, I am also challenging myself to explore new ideas and take my writing to new heights. It's a daunting but exhilarating task, and I am fully committed to giving it my all. With each word I write, I can feel myself growing as a writer, and that is the most rewarding feeling of all. I cannot wait to share this new book with the world and hope that it will touch the hearts of readers in the same way my first book did. Writing is my passion, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue pursuing it through this second book.

I have with me the summary and a small portion of the first chapter of 'Cracks in the armor.' I look forward to seeing you all really soon.

Meadow, or better known as Doll 42 has slipped off the radar of the dolls. The country is in a state of panic, and on the brink of another war. "Untill the assassin known as Doll 42 is caught an hung, Marshall law will be in effect. At any time the sevron family have the authority to search any home. They will do so if you display behavior causing suspicion. Do not harbor this traitor, for she is a thret to us all." This message was broadcast on all radio stations, and was printed in every paper across the country. Doll 42 was labeled a threat and a monster. The ex Doll laughed madly before shaking with anger. "A monster you say? Allow me to show you how right you pathetic worms are." 

Chapter 1

The village of wormwort known for the farming herbs and making medicine. It was small maybe two hundred people or so. All of said villagers are angry due to the Marshall law. "We have been told Doll 42 has been spotted in the area. Be advised anyone who aids the traitor, you will be labeled one yourself and hang along side her. Untill further notice all food and water rations will be cut in half. That is unless someone can point her out to us." The Leppard Sevron Alexandre Samuel said looking at the crowd of villagers. Not much was known about the young adult male other than he was five foot eleven and lean and muscler. Alexander has golden eyes and short black hair. His voice is low and always threatening. Although he is one of the lower members of the Sevron, Alexander is not one to be messed with. His weapon of choice is a onix blade Rapier. "That bitch isn't here! How are we supposed to feed our families?! We can barely get by as it is!" A male villager yells only to be decapitated. "This is even more of a reason to help up find her. Think of your families the longer she lives is a risk to your survival. The Rations will become less an less till there is nothing. Our government is more than gracious to you all. Help us and this all will end I promise you." Alexander said cleaning off his blade. Standing on a branch watching unable to do anything was 42. She wanted to help the village, but they wanted her to run. If she could somehow lore the Sevron asswhole to her. It would give the village enough time for evaluation. The government of Acirema has been taking advantage of the good people since the grate war. With a deep breath 42 mad the decision to step in. Sneaking in the village was the easy part, getting the Sevron to follow was the hard part. Perched on one of the village huts 42 steadied herself. "Hello kitty looking for me." She said gaining his attention. "42 by the decree of the Acirema government. You are to be captured and hung. Do the people a service and come quietly." 42 laughed at the male before glaring at him. "Sorry kitty but if I am to be hung. You fuckers have to catch me first. Grow a pair and earn it but then again you all are just spineless cowards. You turn your back on an injured comrade, then have the nads to call him weak. Tell me kitten what happened to the wolf Sevron." The Leppard Sevron's face went from annoyed to enraged. "FILTHY TRAITOROUS WHOR! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF A CLAN MEMBER IN SUCH A WAY! I WILL TEACH YOU TO MESS WITH ME!" This was the reaction she wanted. "Come and get me kitten." 42 said with a wink before running off.

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