(2.) Mental Breakdown

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The unbearable light of the morning sun shined in America's face, how annoying.

America didn't want to open his eyes; this was one of the days he's been dreading. Though America could hear one of the maids in his room dusting.

"America?.." A voice said, the voice sounded like Chile, one of the butlers in the castle. The maid dusting was Norway.

"It's time for breakfast." Chile said.

"Hmm.." America groaned, annoyed and not excited for the nearby future that both time and the future was taunting him, knowing America couldn't do anything about it.

"Pfft.. " A few giggles came from the doorway of America's room.

"Sooooo~ are you excitedd~" Morocco  said with her friend Nigeria giggling and taunting the prince.

"Ugh leave me aloneeeeeeee I hate you both with a passion, and to answer your question no fuck no I am not excited to see that very concerning skyscraper alcoholic bitch!" America explained, throwing a pillow over his face.

Chile gave Nigeria and Morocco a dirty look.

"Well to bad, get up, idiot" Nigeria says throwing a pillow directly at America.

That's usually how Morocco, Nigeria, Chile, and America talk, they're pretty good friends, though, a lot of people take advantage of how America is a very chill person surprisingly.

"OW!!, what was that for!?" America whined in pain.

"Okay there's no way that hurt, it's a piece of cushion get over yourself." Morocco said.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON MY SIDE YOU BACKSTABBER" America said clearly not amused at this treason.

They all laughed as America was still groaning at how he had 3 alarm clocks in his chambers.

"Okay okay shut up I'll go I'll gooooo!!!!"

America gets out of bed not pleased at what the day was about to bring. Chile, Morocco, and Nigeria, all leave, now normally they were supposed to help the royals get ready, but America doesn't allow, describing that he's not "lazy" and can put on his clothes himself.

No one really knows if he's just uncomfortable with people dressing him, or he's just being his typical American self.

Either way America gets ready this time he had to actually put on something actually royal due to him being presented to this Russia person.

America's POV: Good Lord... I do not want to do this but hey!!!! Not like it's my choice stupid shitty prince government stuff!

America is finally finished preparing himself, both mentally and emotionally, he walks down the hallway connected to his and his family's chambers to the pearly white staircase leading down to the dining hall.

America fixes his suit a little as he walks down the marble staircase. He puts his tender hands on the the gold stair handle, he walked slowly down due to not wanting to open the dining hall door.

America had a feeling the Russian kingdom was awaiting in the dining hall waiting for a certain someone. America then heard footsteps on the same stairwell a maid that looked rather young was skipping down the staircase.

Since some of the workers had families Britain allowed those with children to live in the headquarters. As long as the children help along side with the work, though the children aren't expected to work the nine hour span as adult workers.

America glanced at the the young girl, she had a black dress with overalls that had a white shirt under and she had black little shoes with white socks she had flowers in her long blonde hair.

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