Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

We pulled up to Ebrius, the pub I had chosen, and parked. It was busy, typical for a Saturday night, but not yet packed. The gavel shifted under my heels and I stumbled. Jay grabbed my arm, more aggressively than last time, and pulled me against him, as if I couldn't fall if he was holding me. I smirked at my own thought, my back against his chest.

"Calliope's tits, should I get you a sign that reads 'fall hazard' to give the public a chance to move out of the way?" Jay laughed at himself and slowly let go of my arms, always slowly, as if giving me the chance to test my legs.

"You think you are first person to make that joke? I don't wear heels. These aren't even my shoes," I grumbled and stepped away from him.

Rya frowned, "you should buy those off of whomever lent them to you, because green is your color."

I spared a glace to the deep shiny green of the heels and felt a slight blush creep upon my face. "Thanks." I righted myself fully and kept moving towards the door. "They're Holly's, my friend. She is the one I usually come here with."

"Is she a Witch?" Rya asked politely, obviously just curious and trying not to revive the conversation we let die in the car.

I nodded as I waved to the bouncer, "A'lo, Micah."

"A'lo sorra Tricia, whoa, what are you all dressed up for?" He smiled at me before turning his attention to Rya and Jay. "Are they with you?" His light brown eyes hardened as he assessed my companions. Micah was objectively attractive - tall, tan, and strong. He had been a year ahead of me in high school and a male in a line of powerful Witches. While a slightly overprotective male, he also stepped aside on more than one occasion while Holly stood her ground against entitled males who didn't respect the rules of Ebrius.

"Yes, Micah, they are. These are my friends," I almost hesitated before the word, "they are new to town - be nice."

He returned his gaze to me and pushed a straggling wavy black lock away by running his hand through his hair. "Alright, but if that one touches you again without permission, I'll kick his ass for you. Just say the word, darlin'." He shot a look to Jay, but smiled at Rya, "I extend you the same offer, sorra, those are the rules here. Touches get punches."

I mockingly swatted Micah's bicep, it was practically the width of my thigh so his dramatic wounded expression elicited an eye-roll. I pointed to my feet, the shoes specifically.

He groaned with a chuckle, "oh, Tricia, no. Not even The Elixir can keep you safe in those."

"Maybe not, but Jay did. Twice. So, stop being a possessive jerk and be nice."

Micah laughed and opened the door for us, "anything for you, sorra. Ebrius welcomes you."

Jay leaned forward as we walked through the door, his face above my shoulder and breath hot on my ear as he said, "technically, mea domina, that was the third time," just loud enough for Micah to hear him.

I refused to respond and continued forward.

Once inside, Micah's older sister, Nessa, smiled and waved, her expression going blank as she noticed that Holly was not the one behind me.

I smiled and waved back and held up three fingers, indicating to Nessa that the two behind were with me.

She pointed to an empty booth in the corner.

I guided the siblings to the indicated booth and slid in first. Rya sat next to me, leaving Jay to his own side. "Sorry about that," I said, loudly enough to be heard over the din of the bar.

A House of Snakes and EmeraldsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant