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—— Seori

As I made my way to the library for the history project assigned by our teacher, a sense of relief washed over me that the rumors about me being seen with Jungwon, the older street racer, were finally dying down. However, Jiyeon, with her judgmental remarks, continued to be a thorn in my side.

I hoped to be paired up with Yeji for the project, as her friendship and support always made school life more bearable. But to my disappointment, I found out that I was paired with Daejin instead. Despite his quiet demeanor, I couldn't shake the suspicion that he might be the one behind the mysterious love letters that kept appearing in my locker.

As I entered the library, scanning the room for Daejin, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Spotting him at a table in the back, I made my way over, steeling myself for whatever awkward interaction awaited me.

"Hey, Daejin," I greeted, forcing a polite smile as I took a seat across from him.

He glanced up from his book, offering a small nod in return. "Hey, Seori."

As we delved into the project, the atmosphere between us remained strained, the silence punctuated only by the sound of pages turning and the occasional whispered conversation from other students. Despite my best efforts to focus on the task at hand, my mind kept wandering back to the mysterious love letters and the unsettling feeling that someone was watching me.

I couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, as if every move I made was being scrutinized and analyzed by unseen eyes. And as I stole a glance at Daejin, his expression unreadable behind his glasses, I couldn't help but wonder if he held the answers to the questions swirling in my mind.

As we worked on the project together, Daejin suddenly broke the silence with a question that caught me off guard. "Hey, Seori, do you happen to know when Jungwon's next street race is?"

I paused, a moment of confusion clouding my thoughts before realization dawned on me. Daejin had mentioned before that he was a fan of street racing and admired Jungwon's skills. Despite my initial surprise, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at his inquiry.

"Um, I'm not sure," I replied cautiously, choosing my words carefully. "Jungwon doesn't always share that information with me."

Daejin nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Right, of course. I just thought, you know, since you two seem close..."

The implication behind his words didn't escape me, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. It was no secret that Jungwon and I had grown closer in recent weeks, but the idea of Daejin prying into our personal lives felt invasive.

"Yeah, we're friends," I replied, my tone guarded. "But that doesn't mean I know everything about his schedule."

Daejin seemed to sense my discomfort, and he quickly changed the subject back to the project at hand. But the lingering tension between us remained, overshadowing our collaboration and leaving me feeling unsettled.

As we continued to work, I couldn't shake the feeling that Daejin's interest in Jungwon and his street racing activities went beyond mere admiration. And as the pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place, I realized that there was more to Daejin than met the eye – a hidden agenda lurking beneath his quiet facade, waiting to be uncovered.

Leaving the library in the evening, Daejin's request lingered in my mind as we parted ways. "If you find out when's the next race, let me know," he had said. I nodded in response before walking away, a sense of unease settling over me.

As I stepped outside the school gates, the evening air hinted at rain, but I didn't expect the sudden downpour that greeted me. Caught off guard without an umbrella, I found myself drenched within moments. The raindrops danced around me, creating a curtain of silver threads that clung to my clothes and hair.

Street Racer || Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now