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—— Seori

Sitting on Jungwon's lap as he settled down on the bed, I found solace in his comforting embrace. My head rested on his shoulder, and he held me like a protective shield, his touch reminiscent of comforting a child. As he pampered me, his soothing words and gentle actions worked wonders in calming the storm of emotions that had overwhelmed me.

"I can stay here with you and skip the street race," he offered, concern evident in his eyes.

I shook my head, a determined yet childlike expression on my face. "No, Jungwon. I want you to participate. I'll be fine," I insisted, knowing that the adrenaline of the street race would provide a welcome distraction from the chaos in my life.

He hesitated, clearly torn between staying with me and fulfilling his commitment to the race. But as he glanced at my resolute expression, a small smile playing on my lips, he relented. "Alright, Seori. I'll participate," he agreed, his tone laced with a mix of reluctance and understanding.

Since the race was approaching, I let him get up, promising to accompany him to the street race venue. As we made our way there, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding us, I knew that facing them together would only strengthen our connection.

As we arrived at the street race venue, the roar of engines and the electrifying atmosphere of the event enveloped us. I watched as Jungwon prepared for the race, his focus unwavering. The excitement in the air served as a distraction, allowing me to momentarily set aside the troubles that plagued my thoughts.

As Jungwon and I walked into the hut where the others from the racing house were gathered, I could sense his lingering worry for me. He urged me to stay by Sunghoon's side, knowing that he always stayed out of the races and would keep me safe.

I nodded in agreement, grateful for his concern, and made my way over to Sunghoon, who greeted me with a small smile. Despite the chaos of the street race, there was a sense of camaraderie among the group, a shared understanding of the risks and thrills that came with the territory.

Just as I settled in with Sunghoon, my phone buzzed with a text from Yeji, letting me know that she had arrived at the venue. With a smile, I excused myself and stepped outside to find her in the crowd of fans and onlookers.

But as I scanned the crowd for Yeji's familiar face, my heart sank as I caught sight of Jiyeon and her cronies among the spectators. Why were they here? Did they want to continue their bullying even in this setting?

Before I could retreat or avoid them, Jiyeon noticed me and started to make her way over, her cronies following closely behind. My stomach churned with unease as I braced myself for whatever confrontation awaited me.

As Jiyeon approached me with her cronies in tow, a sarcastic smirk playing on her lips, she asked me why I was here, seemingly implying that I was chasing after my "street racer boyfriend." I scoffed at her comment and clarified that Jungwon and I weren't dating.

"That's not what it looks like," she retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "You're seen with him very often."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration at her relentless attention. "Why do you suddenly care so much about me as soon as the rumors started?" I shot back, my patience wearing thin. "Is it because you're jealous that someone immature, silly, and obsessed with Ramen like me is around a good-looking guy like Jungwon?"

Jiyeon scoffed dismissively, shaking her head. "Please, I couldn't care less about your little fling with Jungwon. And I'm definitely not jealous."

I couldn't let her dismissive attitude go unchallenged. "If you really didn't care, then why bother me?" I questioned, meeting her gaze with determination. "Besides, Jungwon is not a fling."

The air between us crackled with tension, and I braced myself for whatever retort Jiyeon might come up with. Despite the swirling rumors and drama, I refused to let her belittle what Jungwon and I shared.

Jiyeon's gaze narrowed, her lips curling into a sneer as she regarded me with disdain. "You're delusional if you think he's actually interested in someone like you," she spat, her words dripping with venom.

Her cruel remark stung, but I refused to let her see the effect it had on me. "It's none of your business who Jungwon is interested in," I replied evenly, keeping my tone firm despite the turmoil raging inside me.

Before Jiyeon could respond, a familiar voice cut through the tension, causing both of us to turn towards the source. It was Yeji, striding confidently towards us with a determined glint in her eyes.

"Everything okay here?" Yeji asked, her voice laced with concern as she stepped between Jiyeon and me, effectively putting herself in the line of fire.

Jiyeon's sneer faltered slightly at the sight of Yeji, but she quickly regained her composure. "Just having a little chat with Seori here," she replied dismissively, her eyes narrowing in Yeji's direction.

Yeji didn't back down, her gaze unwavering as she stood her ground. "Well, the chat's over now," she stated firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. "Seori and I have better things to do than waste our time with you."

With that, Yeji took my hand and led me away from Jiyeon and her cronies, leaving behind the lingering tension of our encounter. As we walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Yeji's unwavering support.

Yeji and I walked towards the sidelines, the rhythmic hum of engines filling the air as the street race prepared to kick off. As we reached the start line, I met Jungwon's eyes. He sat in his car, a focused intensity in his gaze that reassured me. Yeji, on the other hand, directed her attention toward Jake, who was also getting ready for the race.

We found Sunghoon standing by the sidelines, his eyes scanning the track. Joining him, we waited in anticipation as the engines revved, signaling the beginning of the race. The excitement and energy in the air were palpable.

Jungwon's car, sleek and powerful, lined up alongside Jake's as they both prepared for the race to begin. The thrill of the impending competition sent a shiver down my spine.

As the race kicked off, the cars roared to life, tearing down the track in a blur of speed and precision. Yeji and I exchanged excited glances, cheering for Jungwon and Jake as they navigated the twists and turns with skill and expertise.

Once the race was underway, we decided to retreat to the hut with Sunghoon. The dim glow of neon lights illuminated the space, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie among the spectators. Sunghoon, ever the calm observer, nodded in acknowledgment as we joined him, the cheers and roars of the street race echoing in the background.

We settled in, watching the race unfold on the monitors inside the hut. The air was thick with tension as the cars sped through the night, the competition fierce and unforgiving. Despite the earlier confrontation with Jiyeon, being here with Yeji and Sunghoon provided a welcome escape, a temporary respite from the chaos that seemed to follow me everywhere.

As the race continued, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride watching Jungwon maneuver his car with skill and precision. The relentless energy of the street race was a stark contrast to the troubles I faced, and for a moment, I allowed myself to be immersed in the thrill of the competition, grateful for the distraction it provided.

To be continued...

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