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—— Seori

A week had passed since the collision with Jungwon, and the throbbing pain in my ankle had subsided. Yeji, my best friend and the epitome of maturity, accompanied me on the walk home from school. Her sensible demeanor was the perfect foil to my sometimes immature antics.

"So, Seori, how's the ankle holding up?" Yeji asked, her concerned gaze fixated on my leg.

I grinned, leaning on her for support. "Oh, it's much better now. Dr. Park said I should take it easy, and you know me—I'm the queen of taking it easy."

Yeji chuckled, shaking her head. "Taking it easy isn't exactly your forte, Seori. But seriously, what happened with that guy, Jungwon? Are you sure you're okay?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm fine, Yeji. Jungwon was just another bump in the road, quite literally. Annoying, but not a big deal."

Yeji shot me a knowing look. "Seori, you can't keep brushing off these things like they're nothing. You have to be more careful."

As we continued our walk, I couldn't help but admire the contrast between us. Yeji, the mature and responsible older sister figure, and me, the perpetual troublemaker with a penchant for mischief.

"But seriously, Seori," Yeji continued, "why didn't you tell me about this Jungwon guy before? You know I worry about you."

I shrugged, attempting nonchalance. "It wasn't a big deal at first. He just hit me with his racing car. No harm done."

Yeji raised an eyebrow, her concern evident. "No harm done? Seori, you have to be more careful. And what's with this racing car nonsense?"

I sighed, realizing I couldn't escape her scrutiny. "Long story short, he's some street racer I collided with. It's over now, and I'm not planning on crossing paths with him again."

As we reached my doorstep, I couldn't help but appreciate the stability that Yeji brought to my unpredictable life. She may be the mature one, but our friendship was a perfect balance of responsibility and mischief.

Walking into my house with Yeji, a sudden realization hit me like a lightning bolt. "Oh no, Yeji, I just remembered! Jungwon owes me a new cup of ramen!"

Yeji burst into laughter, finding my concern amusing. "Seori, you're worried about ramen now? I thought you said it wasn't a big deal."

I shot her a serious look. "This is different! That cup of ramen was my dinner, and he ruined it with his racing shenanigans. I need justice!"

Yeji chuckled, shaking her head. "Alright, Seori, if it means that much to you, we'll find a way to get your ramen justice."

Dragging her to the couch with me, I eagerly grabbed my phone and started searching online. "We need to find a way to contact Jungwon. He can't just get away with ruining my dinner!"

Yeji laughed, still finding the situation amusing. "Seori, I can't believe you're making such a fuss about ramen. But fine, let's see if we can track him down."

As we delved into the online rabbit hole, I navigated through social media platforms and racing forums, determined to find any trace of Jungwon. Yeji, still laughing, joined in the search, offering sarcastic comments about my dedication to the cause of ramen justice.

After a while, I let out a triumphant shout. "Found him! His username on this racing forum is 'VelocityKing94.' Let's see if we can send him a message."

Yeji rolled her eyes, still amused but playing along. "This is getting ridiculous, Seori. But fine, send your message and let's hope he responds."

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