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—— Seori

The next day, I descended the stairs into the kitchen, my eyes still heavy with sleep as I rubbed them and let out a sleepy yawn. The familiar scent of breakfast lingered in the air. I noticed my dad, back from his long-haul truck driving work, sitting at the table. He was only home on weekends.

Taking a seat, I greeted my mom with a mumbled "Good morning." The fatigue from the night before still clung to me as I asked, "How did I get home last night?"

My mom, busy preparing breakfast, turned to face me with a warm smile. "Jungwon brought you home, sweetheart," she answered, her tone carrying a mixture of fondness and gratitude.

My dad, looking a bit puzzled, chimed in, "Jungwon? Who's that?"

I chuckled, realizing that my mysterious nighttime chauffeur wasn't someone my dad was familiar with. "Oh, he's just a friend. We hung out last night, and I guess I fell asleep. Jungwon is a really nice guy," I explained, hoping to reassure my dad.

He raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "A friend, huh? Well, as long as he's treating you right," he remarked, his voice a blend of protectiveness and fatherly concern.

I nodded, appreciating my dad's care. "Yeah, he's just a friend," I reassured him, the events of the night before still a bit hazy in my mind.

As we sat down for breakfast, the morning sunlight filtering through the kitchen window, I couldn't help but wonder about the Bad Boy Racer who had taken on the role of my unexpected guardian.

Later that day, I arranged to meet Yeji at a cozy bubble tea shop. The sweet aroma of tea and the soft chatter of customers surrounded us as we settled into our seats. I took a sip of my drink, the tapioca pearls popping against my tongue.

Leaning forward, I looked at Yeji with a conspiratorial smile. "Hey, Yeji, there's this street race tonight that Jungwon and his friends are participating in. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me," I suggested, a twinkle of excitement in my eyes.

Yeji raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Street race? Sounds adventurous. Sure, I'm in. Why not?" she replied, a playful glint in her eyes matching my own.

As we continued chatting, I couldn't help but steer the conversation toward Jake. "Speaking of adventures, what do you think about Jake?" I asked, curious to hear her thoughts.

Yeji pondered for a moment, her gaze fixed on her drink. "Jake, huh? He's interesting, a bit on the daring side. I've noticed he's got his eyes on me, though," she admitted, a smirk playing on her lips.

I chuckled, remembering Jungwon's warnings about Jake's interest in Yeji. "Yeah, he does seem to have that kind of personality. Just be cautious, you know?" I advised, my tone carrying a hint of concern.

Yeji laughed, waving off my concern. "Don't worry, Seori. I can handle myself. If he's looking for an adventure, he might be barking up the wrong tree with me," she remarked, a confident gleam in her eyes.

As we sipped our bubble tea, the conversation with Yeji flowed seamlessly. She leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, spill it, Seori. How was your midnight drive with Jungwon?" she asked, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

A fond smile crossed my face as I recounted the night's escapades. "Well, we started at McDonald's for ice cream. Then, he took me on a drive through the city before hitting the highway. You won't believe the speed of street racing until you experience it," I shared, the memory of the exhilarating ride lingering.

Street Racer || Yang Jungwon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu