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—— Seori

As Saturday arrived, I found myself eagerly anticipating Jungwon's arrival to take me to the racing house. It had been two days since I last saw him, since he came over on Thursday evening. The gossip about us at school still lingered, but I tried my best to ignore it, focusing instead on the excitement of the upcoming street race.

When I heard the familiar sound of Jungwon's car pulling up outside my house, I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed outside to meet him. He stepped out of the car, his expression unreadable as he approached me. I put on a smile, trying to maintain my usual demeanor despite the swirling rumors that he didn't know about.

As I reached him, I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, hoping to convey a sense of normalcy. But as we embraced, Jungwon's voice broke the silence.

"There's something I need to address," he said softly, his words sending a wave of tension through me. I tensed slightly, my mind racing as I wondered if he had somehow found out about the gossip at school.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light despite the unease building within me.

Jungwon pulled back slightly, his gaze searching mine. "I've noticed that you've been acting a little... distant lately," he began, his brow furrowing with concern. "Is everything okay?"

I let out a small sigh of relief, realizing that Jungwon's concern was directed towards me and not the rumors circulating about us. "Yeah, everything's fine," I replied quickly, offering him a reassuring smile. "I've just had a lot on my mind lately, that's all."

Jungwon studied me for a moment, his expression still tinged with uncertainty. But then, as if deciding to trust my words, he nodded slowly. "Okay, if you say so," he said softly, his hand reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from my face.

I nodded in response, grateful that he hadn't pressed further. With a renewed sense of relief, I climbed into the car beside him, ready to put the gossip and speculation behind me, at least for now. As Jungwon started the engine and we drove off towards the racing house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me. Tonight was going to be exciting, and I was determined to enjoy every moment of it, with Jungwon by my side.

As Jungwon and I entered the racing house, chaos greeted us like an old friend. Niki and Sunoo were engaged in a heated argument about food, while Jake and Sunghoon's voices echoed through the room as they yelled at each other over a racing game. Heeseung, ever the picture of calm, seemed unfazed by the commotion, while Jay was nowhere to be seen, likely holed up in his room upstairs.

Amidst the chaos, Jake caught sight of me and immediately approached, his question cutting through the noise. "Hey, Seori, where'd you leave Yeji?" he asked, his tone casual as he scanned the room.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his assumption. "She's my best friend, not my girlfriend," I replied with a smile. "If you want her here, you'll have to take care of that yourself."

As I watched Jake navigate his way through the chaos to find Yeji, I couldn't help but envy the simplicity of their relationship. No drama, no rumors—just two people who cared about each other. I wished that my relationship with Jungwon could be as straightforward, but instead, we seemed to exist in a perpetual state of uncertainty, caught between friendship and something more.

Jungwon's hand found mine, his touch grounding me in the midst of my thoughts. Without a word, he led me upstairs to his room, a familiar space that I had visited just a week ago. I remembered the comfort of sleeping over, of sharing quiet moments together before drifting off to sleep.

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