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390 19 2

—— Jungwon

As we arrived at my apartment building, Seori's curiosity seemed to reach new heights. We took the elevator to my floor, and upon reaching my door, I unlocked it with the code. Seori, always eager to unravel mysteries, asked, "What's the code?"

"I won't tell you," I replied with a teasing smile, and she pouted in response. The anticipation of the unknown sparkled in her eyes as she stepped inside.

I followed her, watching as she curiously explored every nook and cranny. Her fingers lightly grazed over items, and it became evident that I needed to intervene before her exploration resulted in unintended consequences.

"Seori, be careful. You might break something," I cautioned, gently stopping her from further investigating my belongings.

She looked up at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I promise not to break anything important."

I chuckled, realizing that keeping Seori away from my belongings required a bit more effort.

Observing Seori's curious exploration of my apartment, I couldn't help but find her childlike wonder endearing. As the night unfolded, the unexpected twists in our journey seemed to amplify the connection between the Ramen Queen and the Bad Boy Racer.

Realizing the hour and considering the events of the night, I suggested, "Seori, do you want to take a shower? Don't worry about clothes; I can lend you something of mine."

Her eyes brightened at the idea, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, please!"

I went to grab some clothes for her, selecting something comfortable. Returning to the living room, I handed the clothes to her, saying, "Here you go. The bathroom is over there. Take your time."

Seori took the clothes with a grateful smile, and I led her to the bathroom, briefly wondering how this unexpected night would continue to unfold.

While Seori went to take a shower, I settled down in the living room, the quiet hum of the night enveloping the apartment. As I leaned back, contemplating the series of unexpected events, my phone buzzed with an incoming call from Jake. Picking it up, I could sense the curiosity in his voice.

"Hey, where are you? Yeji is looking for Seori," Jake inquired.

"We're at my apartment," I replied casually, anticipating his reaction.

Jake gasped on the other end. "Dude, you're moving fast with Seori! I've just started courting Yeji."

I sighed, realizing the potential misunderstandings. "Jake, it's not like that. Seori and I are just hanging out. She's not interested in me that way, and frankly, I'm not interested in her that way either. She's just a kid to me."

There was a moment of silence on the line before Jake spoke again, "Are you sure about that? She seems pretty into you."

I chuckled, realizing the complexities of the situation. "Jake, you know better than anyone that appearances can be deceiving. Seori and I have an unusual friendship. Trust me, it's not what it looks like."

After assuring Jake of the platonic nature of my relationship with Seori, I ended the call, contemplating the unforeseen twists in our night.

As I hung up with Jake, the unexpected call adding a layer of complexity to the night, I turned around in the living room only to be startled by Seori's presence. She stood there, dressed in the oversized clothes I had given her for the shower, an unintentional playfulness in her appearance.

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