he looks confused

she smirks she slowly turns her hand around in circles, with her finger pointing upwards.

water begings to wrap around his legs like a snake. it moves along slowly.

suki: whats she doing

zuko: probably 'revenge' for throwing her into the water

toph: and why are we just standing here watching

sokka: cuz its funny.

toph: true, but someone at least tell me whats happening.

katara: relax ill tell you (begins discribing)

aang: uuh _

_: yeah

(the water is still snaking around his leg

aang: you can cut it out now

_: (smiles) i dont think so

she continues to make the water travel upward, aang tries to waterbend it, but it wont budge. the water traveled along his arms, holding them down. she raises the water, and tosses aang into the deeper part of the beach water. big splash her friends laugh

_: that'll teach you to mess with me, mister!

aang resurfaces. he begins to charge at _, he tackles her down, and there was a small splash,hes on top of her

sokka: yo buddy! bounderies!

katara: stop babying her, shes been grown up compared to you since 5 years old

zuko: honestly, over protective much?

the 13 year olds begin splashing water at each other, when _ made the first splash when sokka called out to aang, both of them laughing

_: ow! ow you got some in my eye

aang: (concerened) here let me see

he walks over to her, he was about to take a look, but thats when she pounces, tackling him into the water, another small splash

_: gotcha


_: because you cant resist me (she said flirtasiously before she laughs)

aang: unfortunatly true (that being said he earned a playful smack to the head) hey!

_: just shut up

aang: but i didnt say anything you just hit m-(she cut him of by kissing him, he was surprised but regained his composure and kissed back, the others are wide eyed exept for toph, who cant see you and aangs moment, sokkas mouth is dropped 10 feet. her arms wrap around his neck as he pulls her closer, making her sit on his lap,holding one arm around her waist, the other holding the back of her neck)

toph: what? why are you all shocked, whats happening? SOMEONE TELL ME! I CANT JUST GUESS!

suki: they're kissing

toph: about time

zuko: eating each others faces off, is more like it.

toph: ok thats gross and a little to descriptive for my taste.

katara hits his chest playfully

katara: shut up, its cute.

sokka: how much air do they have in their lungs! they havent pulled away yet! (holding the top of his head like it might explode)

toph feeling the shock and alittle anger rise trew him desided to add on

toph: i dont know..... but they ARE BOTH airbenders, and seeing as your sister can bend without stances, shes probably producing air and they can keep at it for HOURS WITHOUT END.

sokka: he-ia

looking back at aang and _, they havent pulled away yet, and it doesnt look like they will, their lips are moving in sync, not wanting to break apart, as if making up for all the time they werent official, this kiss (cough cough makeout session cough cough) is long going and longed for, between the 2 young teens, sokka freaking out, the rest of the group sitting down, toph making stuff out of sand, katara in zukos arms, his head rested on hers, his eyes being closed, katara watching her sisters moment and smiling, anyway, back to the kiss thats going on way to long... the twos kiss is now slowing down, but isnt coming to an end, the kiss is like its filled with the past loves between the past legends and avatars into that one kiss. they both pull apart. but not for air, the two look into each others eyes not wanting to look away, aang pushes fallen hair out of her face, both resting a hand on the others cheek aang pulls her close kissing her temple (pause... on land)

suki: thay. are. sooo cuuuuute!

zuko: why do i get the feeling aang didnt really MEAN all of us. when he said he wanted to get all of our minds of the play

toph: becuase he didnt... he was lying, he clearly, from what you discribed earlier, in his head single out getting _s mind off of it

zuko/sokka: and your telling us now why(z)?/(s)!?!

sokka: this could of all been avoided!

toph: (playing with his anger again) not really, he could always sneek into her room or vise versa in the middle of the night (sokka begins to panic more)

zuko/katara/suki: relax will you sokka

(pause.... back with the lovebirds)

_: that was.... some kiss

aang: and plenty more to come (kisses her head)

_: good

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