Chapter 34

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The book of statutes is connected to the ministry of magic in the same way that the blood of a son is to that of a father. The inner workings of the figurehead determine which way the veins will flow.
Maslin Fawley is no more powerful than he was before. The vow is an assistance, a tethering rope that bears the walls upright with all of the conviction that the minister holds.

Lucius Malfoy was a false ruler, an incapable creature that sought only to bring darkness. Thus, darkness rained down on these halls like shattered glass.
The looming edifice seems to breathe a sigh of relief the moment Maslin straightens his shoulders.

"What now?" Maslin asks.

"We call upon the parties that did not side with Lucius," Atus says, "they will come and we imprison every traitorous being."

"No," Maslin says, "call them, but each one of these people will receive a fair trail."

In his grace, the burning building begins to smolder. There is no longer a high office for Maslin to take a seat at, no throne of gold or crown of thorns to welcome him. This kingdom is held up by the muscles on his back that contract beneath the weight.

Don't let it turn him into a monster.

The new minister takes to the stairs, casting a killing curse toward the centaur that still writhes on the planks. It is a mercy, I tell myself, a dignified end. Maslin walks with a newfound swagger, one that reminds me of Regulus.
It makes him look every bit of the ruler that he now is.

Atus and I follow closely behind. The smoke in my lungs still pull a cough from me with every step. Finally, Atus stops me on the landing and sends a charm into my chest. The impact initially brings a sort of lightheadedness but that is quickly overtaken by total relief.

"Thank you," I mutter.

"I think you have a lot yet to learn," Atus replies. It is the understatement of the century.

The fighting has waned in the main atrium. Pixies lay in exhaustion on the marble floors as Centaurs clean their blades. There is a hollow echo that grows with every step toward three Deatheaters that remain with their wands raised. Even the traitorous officials have left, no glory in defending a smoldering building.

Fromona Yaxley is deceased in the corner, her eyes glazed over and vacant. I fight off the urge to attend to her, there is nothing I can do. My chest heaves at the sight, she is not the first death of the day but I mourn her sacrifice.

"A new minister has taken office," Atus says toward the group, "you need to leave."

Regulus hmmph's as he steps forward. Though masked, I would know that confident stride anywhere.
"And who might that be?" His uncovered eyes trail over Maslin at the forefront and narrow in a grin.
"Oh, I see."

Maslin raises his wand as Regulus does the same. It is a knee-jerk reaction for me to step in between them. I am not confident that Regulus won't kill me, but if he is going to it would give my brother time to escape.

"Step aside, Callan," Regulus and Maslin both order in varying tones and speech. Their words intermingle together and bring forth an annoyance within me.

We stand like that for a moment until the other two Deatheaters sway forward.
"Why are you hesitating?" One of them asks, "the dark lord will be here any second!"

I hold my ground, relinquishing breath from my lungs. Regulus is too far for me to touch, to soothe the pained look in his eyes. The choice is weighed for him and the odds don't seem to be in my favor. I reach into my pocket to secure my wand but the necklace from the desk drawer is still intwined with my fingers.

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