Chapter 21

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The next evening, I return to London where Regulus finds me in the middle of my grocery shopping. He looks ridiculous in his all black get-up, surrounded by muggles and canned goods.
I am quite certain Regulus Black has never eaten a microwave dinner in his life, but he examines one in the ice box with a cocked brow.

"Fuck sake," he remarks, "that's just awful."

I roll my eyes and abandon my sparsely filled trolly in the center of the aisle. Sustenance will have to wait, this is far more important.
Once we are outside and starting down the street,  he lights a cigarette.

"Lucius is ahead this week," I say, "you must be proud."

Regulus nods slowly, "ahead by an inch is hardly ahead. How's Haro looking? I heard you went home."

"He wasn't there," I shoot back, "and how did you know that?"

"I have eyes on all ports of travel. Why has Atus Greengrass not declared his campaign? We're weeks away now."

I suddenly remember that Regulus still thinks I was attempting to turn Haro's deputy against him at the campaign dinner. My lies are catching up with me, the ones I said out loud and those I omitted.
"He dropped it," I respond, "too much work for his thin blood."

Regulus smirks at this, "figures."

"I have information for you," I tell him, unfolding Haro's schedule from my pocket. Upon further inspection, it shows a number of meetings conducted between different party members. It is nothing that could harm Haro, but it might buy me some favor.
I didn't take it with the intention to benefit Regulus. At least that is what I have continuously told myself. Even if the information is pointless, it feels like a betrayal.

Regulus snatches it from my hand and crumples it into his pocket, "what a good girl you are."

No, I don't believe I am that. I sneer at his condescending tone which only makes him laugh.
My stomach tightens in a knot as we approach my flat block. I have no idea what to expect and the wondering is painting all manner of horrors in my head. I don't trust him, but I want this more than I have ever wanted anything.

Just before we enter, I stare into the star covered sky. You could die, Barty's voice rings in my head. Perhaps I should have written some letter or said goodbye to Riverina.

Regulus has been inside my home before, but without a dead body to clean up, it feels more personal now. I made sure to tidy up, tucking away my laundry and used cups. Still, I feel as if my soul has been glanced into as we enter enter the foyer.

My flat is nice, but it is nothing compared to the opulence of the Black residence. I am hit with a wave of shyness and I detest it. This man pulls every facet of emotion from me without even trying.

"Where's your bed?" He asks, pushing open the door to an empty guest room.
"That's certainly not me making a move on you. You'll want to be lying down for this."

"The sofa's fine," I say, starting up the stairs.

Once in the main room, Regulus drops on the rug aside the cushions and uses his wand to procure a jug of tap water, two glasses and all of the kitchen towels. He lays the latter on the floor beneath his knees and instructs me to sit down with a flippant wave of his hand.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I ask him, eyes pleading for a positive answer.

"You weren't too concerned with that when you asked me to do it," he says with a sneer, "now you're afraid?"

"I'm not afraid," I say, but I know my expression is giving me away. I just don't want to die here with him as a guinea pig in some botched experiment.

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