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"my funeral will be caked in maroon, stupid words and crappy farewells. my casket will be plated gold. the streets will be uneven when my father takes the limo to the cemetery. my name will not go down in history. you will forget me at all."

kurt thought it read like bukowski sometimes too. the little complaints and whines. the exploitation of angst. all of it.

the amber'd boy returned the book once he'd read twice too. he said he had cried.

"then why aren't your eyes all bloodshot and puffy?"

it had been way too easy.

"it happened two days ago, dipshit. of course they're not red."

the amber'd boy had been honest. it was a good trait.

kurt kind of liked that.

"whatever. thanks for bringing it back, at least."

he took the scalpel and dug into the flesh and bones of the frog. it cracked and creaked and quivered.

both he and the amber'd boy had laughed.

"no problem. you're still going to mail it though, right?"

kurt kept making cavities out of frog's blood and guts. he nodded softly.

"i'm going after school."

but the book was still in his bag, and it didn't plan on leaving just yet.

lake of fire , k. cobainWhere stories live. Discover now