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Autumn's Perspective

In the sprawling canvas of existence, where every soul paints its own portrait with dreams and yearnings, I found myself grappling with the enigma of happiness. The echoes of a passage from a long-forgotten book haunted my contemplation – "Out of fifty people, only three will be happy." It lingered in the air like an unanswered question, a riddle that begged to be unraveled.

As the sun cast its morning glow, I wandered through the corridors of my thoughts, each step accompanied by the weight of uncertainties. In this world where countless aspirations whispered tales of promise, I couldn't help but question my place in the grand scheme of happiness.

The pages of the ancient tome, weathered by time, revealed fragments of wisdom that resonated with the complexities of my own existence. "Out of fifty people, only three will be happy," it declared, as if to forewarn me of the intricate dance between fulfillment and longing.

Lost in the labyrinth of contemplation, I pondered whether I stood amidst the chosen few, bathed in the elusive glow of happiness, or if I was destined to tread the path of the forty-seven, burdened by the shadows of unfulfilled desires.

The world unfolded before me like a novel, each moment a chapter waiting to be written. In this narrative of hopes and uncertainties, I grappled with the profound question that hung in the air – was I to be one of the fortunate three or part of the majority left yearning for elusive joy? Only time would reveal the plot twists and turns that awaited me in this unfolding novel of life.

"Mommy! Look, Daddy is here!, And Xyrill too!" our daughter, Xhiana, joyfully exclaimed . We both turned to see Psydon, who had just arrived with a basket of food and a bunch of flowers.

We watched as he carefully placed the flowers on the graves of Kyxe, Mom, and Reese.. After offering a prayer, he turned to us and his daughter, giving us both a warm kiss on the cheek.

In the end, Psydon and I exchanged vows five years after the tragic event that had befallen us. We were blessed with two incredibly kind angels, Xiana and Xyrill, who, like Kyxe and me, were twins. As each moment passed, Hoping that the wounds inflicted by the past will gradually healed, nurtured by the unfolding events of the present.

"Dad, hi Mom," Silanty's voice greeted us as he walked into our gathering. He was now 17, turning 18 next month. His journey hadn't been easy, scarred by the trauma inflicted by his biological mother, and the Netherbane. With time and psychological treatments, he managed to overcome the shadows, emerging as a member of a renowned idol group in the country.

He swiftly opened the candles he brought and joined us by the graves of his Mom ,Kyxe and my Mom. The twins, full of energy, called out to him, and he enthusiastically played with them.

The distant hum of a car's horn signaled the arrival of Dunnah and her husband, carrying their adorable daughter. To my surprise, her husband was none other than Krian, my talented friend. His long absence, ostensibly due to a seminar, unfolded into a fishing expedition in Greece, resulting in the discovery of a beautiful child.

As the day unfolded, we shared stories, laughter, and tears, finding solace in the bonds that transcended tragedy. After a few hours, we parted ways, each returning to our respective homes.

Once the kids were tucked in, I joined Psydon in our room. A serious expression adorned his face as he held a letter in his hands. His gaze met mine, and he silently handed me the letter, prompting me to unravel the words that lay within its folds.

Dear Autumn and Psydon,

As you read these lines, I imagine your lives are filled with joy. By now, I might be just a memory, but there are words I need to share.

I pen down these words with a heavy heart, weighed down by the gravity of my actions. I've grappled with the turmoil within, wrestling with the courage to express the remorse that courses through my veins.

This letter is not a plea for forgiveness; it is a testament to the inexorable consequences of my malevolence. The echoes of my actions reverberate through the corridors of my conscience, a constant reminder of the irreversible havoc I've wrought.

Autumn, Psydon, your presence brought moments of solace amidst the chaos within me. It is with a heavy heart that I acknowledge the contrast between the kindness you showed and the malevolence I harbored.

In the end, I succumbed to the darkness within me. Grateful for relieving me of my anguish, for unleashing me from my own evilness.

As the contents of the letter unfolded before our eyes, a flood of emotions surged within me. The words carried the weight of our shared history, a painful reminder of the wounds time had yet to fully heal. The echoes of the past reverberated, and I couldn't contain the wave of sorrow that crashed over me.

Tears welled up, and I found myself sobbing, each drop a testament to the lingering pain etched in our memories. Psydon, ever attuned to my emotions, wrapped his arms around me, a source of solace amidst the storm of grief.

"Hush now, love. Everything is alright," he whispered soothingly, his words a gentle balm to the ache within. In the shelter of his embrace, I allowed the tears to flow, releasing the pent-up emotions that had lingered for far too long. His reassurance echoed in the room, creating a sanctuary where the past's haunting echoes gradually yielded to the tender promise of a brighter tomorrow.

""I love you, Psydon," I whispered, my voice carrying the weight of all the emotions that had unraveled in that poignant moment. His comforting presence had become my anchor, a constant source of strength through the highs and lows of our shared journey. As the words lingered in the air, they held the promise of a love that endured, resilient against the trials that life had thrown our way.

"MOM!" The urgent screams of the twins jolted us, and we rushed to their room in a heartbeat. As we entered, a chilling scene unfolded—Silanty stood on the veranda, cradling the terrified twins in his arms. Their cries echoed in the room, mingling with Silanty's own anguished sobs.

As my gaze met Silanty's eyes, a chill ran down my spine. His eyes, once filled with light, were now veiled in darkness. Panic surged within me, a premonition of impending doom.

Psydon sprinted towards them, desperately trying to reach the twins. But, in a heart-wrenching moment, Silanty, consumed by an unseen force, leaped off the veranda with the twins still in his arms. "NO!!!" My voice echoed through the room, a guttural cry of despair that reverberated with the shattering of our world.


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