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Autumn's Perspective

The revelation from Chris about Psydon's departure from Hades reverberated in my mind as I wandered through the hospital's bustling corridors. His mission to find the Netherbane and save me sent shivers down my spine, and the urgency of our situation weighed heavily on my shoulders. As we contemplated the impending dangers, questions danced in my mind like specters, elusive and haunting.

Chris emphasized the need to locate Psydon swiftly, highlighting the danger of him remaining in the human world for too long. The stakes were high, not only for us but for the entire realm of Hades. The responsibility to retrieve Psydon rested on Chris's shoulders, and the weight of the impending threat fueled our determination to act.

What if something went wrong in their encounter with the Netherbane? What if Psydon and the ominous entity had already crossed paths, and time was slipping away? The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me restless and contemplative.

Lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of Krian into my office, armed with cup noodles and a can of coffee."You know what, Krian? Knocking on doors is a thing nowadays," I quipped, my words layered with the sardonic undertones reserved for a friend who reveled in the theatrics of our shared history.

His retort, laced with a degree of nonchalant sarcasm, only accentuated the camaraderie that had weathered the storms of our friendship. The exchange of banter unfolded seamlessly, a testament to the shared resilience born out of years of shared experiences.

"Do you know the newbie named Cris?" he asked, as he immersed himself in his cup noodles.

"Sort of, he's my junior ,Why?" I replied busy flipping pages of medical records. Krian shot me a puzzled look as he sucked up the noodles from his cup, "Nothing, just that he's weird and creepy. When we bumped into each other in the ICU earlier, he gave me this intense stare and warned me to stay away from you. Said I'd be as good as dead to Psydon if he catches me hanging around you. Is he connected between you two? And why on earth would he want to keep you away? We're not just best friends; we're also colleagues, sharing the same workplace," he remarked, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion.

"Just don't mind him," I sighed in response, leaning back in my chair. The aroma of coffee filled the air as I contemplated the peculiar encounter with Chris. "Sometimes, new doctors can be a bit eccentric, adjusting to the hospital environment and all. He'll get used to it." We both received a call from the Emergency Room, prompting us to hurry there.

"Autumn, I'll be gone for a few months," Krian suddenly announced as we made our way to the ER.

Surprised, I inquired about the sudden departure, and Krian explained his participation in a medical fair in Seattle alongside Chief Park Ji Moon. The abruptness of his departure left me momentarily stunned, prompting me to wish him safety and caution.

As Krian saluted with a mischievous grin, we resumed our rush to the ER, leaving me to grapple with the unexpected news of his impending absence.

In the midst of our repartee, the mention of Chris's encounter with Psydon elicited a ripple of curiosity. The dynamics between Psydon's possessiveness and Chris's willingness to face Psydon's ire manifested a complex tapestry of relationships. The absence of Psydon, the phantom thread that lingered in the tapestry, cast a shadow on the camaraderie that had once been a constant.

The ebb and flow of hospital life continued, oblivious to the intricate tapestry of emotions woven within the hearts of its denizens. Amidst the symphony of bustling corridors and the orchestrated chaos of medical exigencies, the impending departure of Krian and the lingering enigma of Psydon painted the canvas of our lives with hues of uncertainty.

Chris Perspective

The nurse station served as a transient refuge, a respite between the cadences of patient care and the exigencies of hospital life. Amidst the symphony of nurses' laughter and the staccato rhythm of keyboards, I engaged in light banter with the effervescent Neri.

"Hihihi! You're really handsome, Dr. Chris," Neri declared, punctuating her compliment with a playful tap on my arm.

Grinning, I reciprocated the banter, playfully suggesting dinner plans for the evening. The ensuing laughter and camaraderie at the nurse station provided a fleeting moment of levity in the midst of the hospital's ceaseless rhythms.

As the banter unfolded, my thoughts gravitated towards Psydon and the complexities that intertwined our fates. The possessive aura Psydon exuded, an echo from the past, lingered in my mind. His absence, a phantom presence in the narrative, fueled the enigma that surrounded our intertwined destinies.

The encounter with Autumn and the mysterious doctor added layers to the tapestry of our lives. Autumn's palpable worry and the unresolved questions mirrored the uncertainties that enveloped the hospital. Psydon's departure and the looming threat of the Netherbane cast shadows on the canvas of our existence, urging us to confront the imminent challenges that lay ahead.

A sudden summons from the Emergency Room disrupted the transient calm of the nurse station, catapulting me into the vortex of medical urgency. The patient, a victim of a car accident, bore the brunt of the impact on his chest and head. Urgency permeated the air as the medical team rallied to stabilize the patient's vital signs.

"Nurse Kim, run an ultrasound. Call me when the results are out," I instructed, my focus unwavering as I turned my attention to the incoming tasks.

"Nurse Nam, prepare the operating room. Call the anesthesiologist, and Nurse Won, inform the neurosurgery department and Doc Autumn ," I continued, orchestrating the response to the unfolding emergency.

The rhythm of the hospital pulsated with urgency, each step a choreography in the dance of life and death. As I delved into the intricacies of patient care, my thoughts lingered on Psydon's elusive presence and the impending challenges that awaited us. The hospital, a microcosm of existence, mirrored the ebb and flow of our intertwined destinies.

As the surgical preparations unfolded, I found solace in the familiar cadence of medical urgency. The operating room awaited, a sanctum where life's delicate balance rested in the hands of those who dared to navigate its intricacies. In the interplay of urgency and expertise, the chapters of our lives unfolded, leaving us to grapple with the uncertainties that lingered on the horizon.

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