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Psydon's Perspective

The cavernous expanse of Hades echoed with the unsettling presence of the Virgil , a force so potent that even Chris, our enigmatic guide, had expressed trepidation. Yet, as we stood on the precipice of this otherworldly realm, I masked my fear, shielding Autumn from the imminent danger that loomed.

The unexpected arrival of a forbidding voice cut through the tense silence. "I did not anticipate your presence, but I am delighted to see you," it declared, diverting its attention towards Autumn. A sense of relief washed over me as the ominous gaze shifted away from me.

The judge, an imposing figure with an air of authority, posed a question that would unravel a sinister truth. "How is your mother?" he asked, directing his gaze squarely at Autumn.

" What about my Mom?" Autumn stammered, her voice betraying the fear that gripped her.

"Are you not the offspring of the mortal woman who became the catalyst for the Netherbane's cursed existence? Your mother is the being it once loved, and now, it spreads malevolence in this realm," the Virgil revealed, dropping a revelation that left both Autumn and me bewildered.

"I-I don't understand," Autumn replied, her voice trembling in disbelief.

"Well, one thing I know for sure – there was once a mortal lingering around this place, and it was your mother, bought by the Netherbane. " the Virgil pressed on, each word intensifying the weight of the revelation.

Autumn crumpled to the ground, overwhelmed by the revelation. Instinctively, I rushed to lift her, holding her tightly in an attempt to provide solace as tears streamed down her face.

Autumn's Perspective

The revelation about my mother's involvement with the Netherbane sent shockwaves through my core, leaving me in a state of disarray. Questions multiplied, and the connection between my mother and this malevolent force remained elusive.

"P-please, Autumn, calm down. Everything will be alright. I'm sure Aunt Gail has a reason for all of this. We'll figure it out together," Psydon reassured me, his embrace offering a semblance of comfort. "M-my mom is in danger," I whispered through choked sobs.

"There's a high possibility she is in danger, but let me explain everything to both of you," the Virgil interjected, urging us to collect ourselves and listen.

"You both have a chance to live because your souls are not fully bound. However, to defeat the Netherbane , you must leave. Through the Gateway of Life, you can return to your world, but only one of you can cross. You must choose. One of you will live, and that person will defeat the Netherbane," he explained, revealing a small sword from his necklace.

Psydon's gaze met mine with determination, and in that moment, I understood his unspoken decision—not just to defeat the Netherbane but to ensure my survival.

"No, Psydon, I won't leave you here," I cried, clinging to him desperately.

The Virgil's proclamation of the Gateway of Life opening was met with a blinding light on the side, signaling the urgency of our decision.

"The Gateway of Life is open. Hurry, time is running out," the judge urged. With a heavy heart, I had no choice but to let Psydon go.

Psydon's Perpective

"Psydon, please, I don't want to leave you here," Autumn pleaded, her tears mirrored in my own eyes. I gently held her face, forcing her to look directly at me.

"You know, Autumn, I am so happy to have met you. My life feels complete with you by my side. You've been so good to me, never forgetting me even when I left," I confessed, tears streaming down my face.

"When you get there, immediately ask Aunt Gail. I know it's dangerous, Autumn, but the two of us need to survive. Don't lose hope. Remember, you need to defeat the Netherbane. And remember, I'm always with you," I said, tears freely flowing.

"Why, Psydon? We could defeat the Netherbane together, right? We could both live. Why does someone have to be left behind? Psydon, we could be together, right?" she asked through tears.

"I love you, Autumn. I love you so much," I whispered, pushing her gently towards the portal. As she disappeared, her final words reached my ears.

"I love you too, Psydon," she said crying before vanishing not only from Hades but also from my life.

I sat on the floor, consumed by sorrow. I had hurt her, but until the end, she never let go of me. "Forgive me, Autumn. Someday, you'll understand," I whispered, my voice filled with regret and heartache.

As the portal closed, leaving me alone in the desolate realm of Hades, I couldn't help but reflect on the sacrifices made in the name of love and the daunting journey that lay ahead. The weight of destiny bore down on me, and as I gazed into the abyss, a single tear escaped, marking the beginning of a harrowing odyssey.

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