Chapter 6: THE TRUE US

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Psydon's Perspective

The relentless pain tightened its grip, dragging me deeper into a sea of memories.

"Autumn!" I called joyfully as I pursued her, finally catching her in a warm embrace. Laughter filled the air as we reveled in carefree play. We reclined on the grass, her nestled against my arms, and a smile involuntarily surfaced on my face. "You know, Autumn, I consider myself incredibly lucky to have you—a woman bestowed upon me by destiny," I expressed, captivated by the warmth of her hazel eyes. "I'm the luckier one, Psydon. I never imagined that the guy I used to daydream about would be the one with me now," she replied. Then, she posed a question. "How did you end up liking me? I mean, being the well-known figure you are, how did you notice someone seemingly invisible at school?" she queried. "Remember those times when I trailed you all over campus? Or the time I wrote you a poem and discreetly placed it in your bag at the gym? I might be foolish, but amidst all those stunning girls, why did you choose me?" she asked.

"Because you're unique. You're the only one who manages to bring a genuine smile to my face," I answered. "Do you recall when you got caught slipping that poem into my bag? I wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment, but you suddenly darted out of the gym," I teased her. "Stop it! Don't remind me," she blushed, protesting. "Hahaha, alright. But honestly, you made me smile then. Do you remember when I nearly fainted while giving a report? I looked at you, and you signaled that I could do it. I managed to finish the report successfully. Whenever I see you, all my fears and anxieties dissipate, and you make me smile," I reminisced with a smile."You're corny!" she teased. "But you love it," I playfully retorted. I felt her draw nearer, embracing me, and then drifting into a peaceful slumber. "I love you, Autumn," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Though she remained silent, I knew she felt and understood my love.

The persistent calls of the girl before me intensified, yet I couldn't respond. Instead, the throbbing pain in my head heightened, ushering in a fresh surge of memories.

Strolling through the school hallway, a sudden blow sent me crashing to the floor, leaving me bewildered by the unexpected attack. "HEY! YOU THINK YOU'RE SO ARROGANT, HUH?! DARING TO STEAL MY GIRLFRIEND!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH, SO STRAIGHTEN UP!!" he bellowed angrily, gripping my collar and delivering another blow. "HEY, YOU TOO! DON'T SUDDENLY ATTACK WITHOUT WARNING! FIRST, I DON'T INTEND TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE! AND THIRD, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR GIRLFRIEND, WHOM I DON'T EVEN KNOW!" I retorted, drained from practice and having no patience for such encounters.

"YOU RASCAL!" He prepared to throw another punch, but a girl intervened, twisting his arm and delivering a swift kick to a sensitive area. He winced in pain. "Next time you mess with anyone, I'll will not hesitate to end your future generation," she warned him sternly, then looked at me and noticed my injured lip, her demeanor suddenly shifting to shyness. "F-fix y-yourself," she stammered before abruptly leaving. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. We went to the school clinic and as I began to remove my shoes to lie down, I spotted an ID on the floor. A smile played on my lips as I recognized its owner—Eun Autumn Kim.

"Psydon! What's happening to you? Psydon!" the persistent calls of the girl continued, but still, I couldn't respond. The pain in my head and the influx of memories only intensified.

We stood together on the beach, witnessing the enchanting sunset. "It's beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here, Psydon," she marveled, prompting me to gaze at her. "But you're more beautiful than this place, Autumn," I bantered. "Tch, smooth talker," she teased, playfully hitting my chest. I took hold of both her hands, swiftly planting a kiss on her lips. "PSYDON KHENE SANTOS!!!" she shouted, irritated. I darted into the sea, and she caught up, scolding me while we splashed around.

As the recollection of those cherished memories played out, the pain in my head suddenly ceased. The death note radiated light and gradually erased the details about Autumn, reducing them to ashes carried away by the wind. What is happening? This isn't how it's supposed to be. My memories should be enough for us to escape Hades. I need to uncover the truth.

Suddenly, we were no longer in the same tranquil beach setting. The surroundings morphed into a desolate and mysterious realm. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting an eerie glow on the barren landscape. It hit me—we were in Hades.

The air thickened with an unspoken tension as I observed the changes. Autumn's name dissolved into the ether, leaving only fragments of ash. Panic surged through me. How could this be? The memories were supposed to lead us out of this underworld, yet Hades seemed to tighten its grip on us.

I glanced around, searching for answers in the ominous realm. The death note, once a beacon of hope, now felt like a harbinger of uncertainty. My mind raced with questions, each more perplexing than the last.

A mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, his presence ominous yet familiar. His piercing eyes bore into mine, and a shiver ran down my spine. "Psydon Khene Santos," he intoned, his voice resonating with an otherworldly authority.

"Who are you? What is happening to us?" I demanded, my voice echoing through the desolate expanse.

The figure remained enigmatic, his features obscured by shadows. "You seek answers, Psydon. Answers that lie within the fabric of your existence. To escape the clutches of Hades, you must unravel the truth that binds you."

The cryptic words hung in the air, leaving me more bewildered than before. The landscape shifted once again, transforming into a swirling vortex of memories and uncertainties.

As I navigated this surreal realm, it became evident that our journey was far from over. The intertwined threads of love, destiny, and the enigma of Hades formed a tapestry of challenges that demanded unraveling.

With each step, I delved deeper into the labyrinth of our shared past, determined to decipher the cryptic messages that bound us to this underworld. The journey ahead promised revelations, but whether they would lead to liberation or deeper entanglement remained uncertain.

Autumn's presence, though veiled by the ashes of erased memories, lingered as a beacon of hope. Together, we would confront the shadows of our past, seeking the elusive truth that could set us free from the clutches of Hades.

Little did I know that this odyssey would unveil not only the mysteries of the underworld but also the true essence of our connection—a connection that transcended the boundaries of time, memory, and the realms that confined us.

As we embarked on this surreal expedition, I couldn't shake the feeling that the answers we sought held the key not only to our escape from Hades but also to the profound nature of the love that bound us together across the realms of existence.

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