CHAPTER 14: Why?

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Autumn's Perspective

The echoes of my laughter filled the room, mingling with the tears that welled up in my eyes as I watched the CCTV footage where Chris identified Psydon. His presence, so vividly captured on the screen, was a testament to the twists fate could take. Earlier,. Recognizing him in the video footage, we swiftly took note of the plate number of his car, an essential clue that would lead us to him. With determination in our hearts, we handed this crucial piece of information to a private investigator, who, in turn, promised swift results. The anticipation of uncovering Psydon's whereabouts was electrifying, a beacon of hope reigniting in the darkness.

The hospital corridors welcomed me once again as I stepped inside, the familiar scent of disinfectants mingling with the nervous energy that always accompanied the preparation for a surgery. My focus shifted from the excitement of the chase to the somber responsibility of my profession. The operating room became a canvas where I meticulously painted strokes of skill and precision, navigating through the complexities of the procedure. Three hours later, the surgery concluded, leaving me to change into a fresh set of scrubs before checking on the patient who had been under the influence of the enigmatic Netherbane.

As I navigated the labyrinthine hallways, an unknown number interrupted the rhythm of my thoughts. I answered promptly, "Hello, Autumn Kim speaking."

"Hello, Autumn."

"Who's this?" I inquired.

"This is Dunnah." The revelation startled me. After years of silence, Dunnah, Psydon's younger sibling, reached out, breaking the communication barrier that had separated us.

"Dunnah? Is that really you? How are you, and how's AuntAllei?" I asked, a mix of surprise and curiosity in my voice.

"We're fine, Autumn. Can we meet?" Dunnah's voice held a hint of eagerness.

"Of course, where?"

"I'm here at the coffee shop near your workplace."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Alright, I'll hang up now. See you." Dunnah's voice faded as the call ended.

With a sense of urgency, I hurried back to my office, snatching my car keys before dashing towards the parking lot. Ten minutes later, I stood at the entrance of the coffee shop, scanning the room for Dunnah. Spotting her, I felt a mixture of emotions – curiosity, anticipation, and a touch of apprehension. As I approached, she greeted me with a warm embrace.

"How are you?" I asked, attempting to conceal the whirlwind of emotions within me.

"I'm fine, I need to rush, though; I have a meeting," she replied, a sense of urgency in her tone.

"Spill it," I insisted, taking a sip of the drink she had ordered.

Dunnah began narrating the incredible story of Psydon's survival, painting a vivid picture of the tumultuous events that unfolded after that fateful accident. The collision on the bridge, Psydon's fall into the river, the chaos involving three vehicles – our car, a truck, and another car – and the subsequent explosion had seemed like the end. The unidentified body found at the scene added to the confusion, leading them to believe that Psydon had perished. It was only through an unexpected call that they discovered Psydon's existence, comatose and in a hospital in a faraway countryside.

" I'm sorry for that," I apologized, my voice reflecting a mix of regret and understanding.

Dunnah reassured me, expressing understanding for the decision I had made at that time. She elaborated on Psydon's journey, from the coma to the decision to transfer him to Greece for advanced treatment. They had sold their family home in the Philippines, erased the traces of Moseley, and embarked on a quest to find the body that had been wrongly identified as Psydon in the accident.

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